While the E.M.M.I. robots that Samus has to take down in Metroid Dread are all quite powerful, there are a few of them that are considerably above the others, in terms of combat capabilities.
This is definitely the case of the Blue E.M.M.I. Not only this boss has the same instant kill move all the others have, but it can also freeze Samus with a ranged attack that can be difficult to avoid.
Here’s everything you need to know to have an easier time against this boss.
How to Defeat the Blue E.M.M.I. in Metroid Dread

The Blue E.M.M.I. is fought in the E.M.M.I. Zone in Ghavoran, and, like the previous few E.M.M.I. you have taken down, it is capable of tracking Samus. What makes this robot more annoying than all the others is the fact that it can use a freezing projectile that freezes Samus, and turns her into a sitting duck open to its offensive.
Generally, it’s better to completely avoid detection with a wise usage of the Phantom Cloak ability. If the E.M.M.I. spots you, get behind a wall to block the projectile. The E.M.M.I. Zone in Ghavoran offers plenty of protection, so this shouldn’t be too hard.
After destroying the Central Unit in the area, you are ready to take the Blue E.M.M.I. down. Head over to the area with the big Spider Magnet platform on the ceiling, use Omega Stream to destroy the E.M.M.I.’s armor, charge the Omega Cannon and see this annoying robot go up in flames. You will get the Ice Missile upgrade for your troubles.
Published: Nov 24, 2021 04:52 am