While exploring planet ZDR in search of a way back to her ship in Metroid Dread, Samus will have to fight a lot of different enemies, ranging from creatures native to the planet to E.M.M.I.
Defeating E.M.M.I. will require the powerful Omega Cannon, which can only be unlocked after defeating Central Units found in E.M.M.I. zones. Here’s everything you need to know to defeat them with ease.
How to Defeat Central Units in Metroid Dread

Central Units are relatively simple enemies to defeat, due to their simple attack patterns. As soon as the fight begins, they will start attacking Samus with a variety of ranged attacks, which include laser beams and projectile attacks. The lasers can only be avoided, but the projectiles can also be destroyed to receive missile ammo and health.
To defeat Central Units, you will first have to expose their brains by destroying the armor that protects them. Regular shots cannot damage the armor, so use Missiles and the Charge Beam to do so. Or, if you have unlocked the Speed Booster upgrade, you can use the Shinespark ability to instantly destroy the armor, although you will need to start speeding outside of the Central Unit room.
Once the armor has been destroyed, you can use regular beam attacks to damage the brain. After receiving enough damage, the Central Unit will go down, unlocking the Omega Cannon and giving you the chance of fighting the E.M.M.I. in the area on even grounds!
Published: Nov 16, 2021 05:04 am