The Impossible mode is the hardest difficulty in Dead Space Remake. Players who tackle it and beat the game will get the Untouchable achievement, and with that, the associated rewards, including the Burnished Suit and the Hand Canon, which can one-shot almost every enemy in the game.
In this guide, we will share some tips and tricks which you can use to easily survive Impossible mode in Dead Space Remake, eventually completing the game without facing any significant difficulties.
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How to survive on Impossible Mode in Dead Space Remake

The first thing that makes it hard to survive on Impossible Mode in Dead Space Remake is the fact that autosaves are disabled. Plus, enemies have more health, they deal more damage, you take more damage, and you get only one save slot—the latter is okay, but if you die, you can either continue in Hard mode or restart from the beginning.
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Now, here are some tips that will help you in surviving Dead Space Remake‘s Impossible Mode:
- Upgrade your RIG/Suit to the max level (if you are low on Power Nodes, at least focus on increasing HP and Stasis);
- Upgrade the Plasma Cutter (there is no need to waste time and resources on upgrading any other weapons, as the Plasma Cutter is the best weapon in the game);
- Use your surroundings, as there are stasis canisters, explodable items, and other things you can throw at enemies or groups of enemies using your Kinesis ability;
- Stash the weapons you don’t need, as keeping them in your inventory will spawn ammunition you don’t need;
- If you are unsure about a Chapter, we recommend you watch a walkthrough first and then play. By doing this, you will know where to expect an enemy and how to deal with them efficiently.
As far as tricks go, to survive on Impossible Mode in Dead Space Remake, we recommend you to make a Cloud or Manual backup of your save file every now and then. You can revert to your save and continue on Impossible Mode instead of starting a new run or switching to Hard mode.
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Also, if you are using Cloud Save, make sure auto-sync is disabled. And if you don’t want to get into that much hassle, just quit the game before you die or when you are about to die. This will load your last save, and you can continue from there.
That concludes our guide on how to survive on Impossible Mode in Dead Space Remake.
Dead Space Remake is available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. For more guides, news, features, and other content on Dead Space Remake, check out our dedicated section.
Published: Jan 28, 2023 10:13 pm