Genshin Impact update 1.2 is just one week away, and players are eagerly waiting to experience a new wave of content. On December 23, 2020, update 1.2 of Genshin Impact will make its way to different platforms and servers(time may vary).
Being one of the best, if not the best gacha-based role-playing games of the year 2020, Genshin Impact’s main focus content is the playable characters. As a gacha-game and as players, most of the Genshin Impact community are interested in collecting new playable characters, especially, the rare ones like Venti, Klee, etc – that are available for a limited time.
Related | How to Download Genshin Impact Update 1.2
This time around, the new playable characters that we are getting with Genshin Impact’s update 1.2 are five-star Geo User Albedo and five-star Cryo User Ganyu. Also, each of the aforementioned characters’ banners may feature a new four-star playable character.

While the hype for Genshin Impact update 1.2 is real and deserved, there is one thing in particular that players are most hyped about – the five star Cyro user, let us rephrase this – the demi-human waifu, Ganyu.
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For players who are yet to complete Genshin Impact’s story quests – Ganyu is a character in Genshin Impact that serves as an emissary and secretary for the Liyue Qixing. She made her first appearance in Teyvat Chapter Storyline Chapter 1, Act 2: Farewell, the Archaic Lord.
Other Important Guides on Genshin Impact
- Genshin Impact Guide: 10 Tips For New And Veteran Players
- Genshin Impact Dendro Characters and Sumeru Region Guide
- Genshin Impact: How To Get 5 Star Characters
- Genshin Impact: 5 Basic & Advanced Tips & Tricks That You Should Know
Genshin Impact Ganyu Banner Release Date and Time

Similar to the previous major update of Genshin Impact, this time also we are getting two new five star characters(with update 1.1 we got Childe and Zhongli). The first five-star character banner is going to be Albedo’s, the second being Ganyu.
Now, players might already have noticed from the past banners – the life cycle of a character banner is around three weeks. So keeping that in mind, Genshin Impact’s Ganyu Banner will release on January 13, 2021, at 18:00:00(world time).
How to get Ganyu in Genshin Impact

Ganyu is going to be a banner exclusive character in Genshin Impact. So, to get Ganyu – players should perform wishes using Primogems or Intertwined Fate.
Many of the free to play players might have the question – How to get Ganyu in Genshin Impact for Free?.
Related | How To Get Free Primogems In Genshin Impact
Sadly, we don’t think Ganyu will come as free to get character. If she was a four-star character then the probability of her being given-away as a reward for events or challenges was high. Though, being a five-star Cryo user – Ganyu won’t be added to the free reward pool.
Genshin Impact is a free to play gacha-based role-playing game currently available on PC, PS4, Android, and iOS.
Published: Dec 15, 2020 12:58 am