A special resource you may not have discovered yet has arrived in Hello Kitty Island Adventure. The Snowcicle is used as an ingredient in recipes cooked or created at any of the food and drink spots on the island. If you have been searching for this little icy plant but cannot find one, we can help! Read on to learn where you can find the Snowcicle in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.
Where to get a Snowcicle in Hello Kitty Island Adventure
You can find a Snowcicle growing in the freezing ground of Icy Peak. As you explore this area, you should look out for blue leaves surrounding a white snowball type plant. Collect every Snowcicle you see as you explore the area, as more will spawn each day, and you will need as many as you can get for all your icy recipes.
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If you haven’t unlocked Icy Peak yet, you can’t find any Snowcicles. Complete the quest A Challenging Rescue and unlock the Icy Peak caverns to get the opportunity to gather this new ingredient. Once the quest is complete, you are free to explore the region and find new chests and exciting resources, like the Snowcicle.
With Snowcicles, you can make amazing frozen drinks and desserts, such as the following:
- Vanilla Milkshake
- Starry Skies Shake
- Frappe
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If you are running out of Snowcicles, don’t forget to look in each cavern discovered as you climbed the peak, as there may be more growing there. Go back each day to see where more have respawned. There may also be more recipes to discover, so gather all the Snowcicle and try out various combinations to find new tasty treats in Hello Kitty Island Adventure!
Published: Aug 28, 2023 06:38 am