Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is going to receive a new update very soon. It’s not yet clear if there will be new content added to the game, but we do know that some changes will be in.
The reliable Nintendo Versus Twitter profile confirmed that the next Super Smash Bros. Ultimate update will be released this week. It is suggested that players convert their replays, something that confirms that balance changes will be in.
Ver 3.1.0 of Super #SmashBrosUltimate is coming this week! This update will include fighter adjustments, meaning replay data from previous versions will be incompatible. Convert your replays by going to Vault -> Replays -> Replay Data -> Convert to Video, before updating.
The previous Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, update 3.0.0, introduced support for the new DLC character, Joker from Persona 5, as well as plenty of new content.
Joker is only the first DLC character set to come to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate in the coming months. The next one is rumored to be a character from the Dragon Quest series, as data miners have discovered that the next character is codenamed Yuusha, which means Brave, which is also the name of the Hero class in Japan.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is now available on Nintendo Switch in all regions.
Published: May 28, 2019 11:13 am