In previous Pokemon games, there was a special zone for catching Pokemon called the Safari Zone. Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl continue this tradition, and in this guide, we will tell you about the Great Marsh.
All About Great Marsh
Great Marsh is located in Pastoria City. In this zone, for a certain amount of money, you can hunt both common and rare Pokémon. Great Marsh is divided into 6 areas. For convenience, you can move on a small tram so as not to waste steps.
You must pay 500 PokéDollar to enter. Your catch options will be limited—you will have only 30 Safari Balls, which work in the same way as Poké Balls. In addition, you are limited in movement; no more than 500 steps are available to you.
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Great Marsh is free of combat, so your arsenal only consists of Safari Balls, Bait, and Mud. Safari Balls work in the same way as Poké Balls.
The bait can reduce the chance of a Pokémon fleeing, but also reduce its chances of being caught.
When using Mud, the effect will be the opposite. You will get more chances to catch Pokémon, but it can more easily flee.
If you don’t want to catch the Pokemon, you can always run away.
Here’s a tip for finding rare Pokémon: climb the stairs to the second floor of the main building of the Great Marsh. You will find binoculars there, which you can use in exchange for 100 PokéDollars. You don’t know for sure who you will see through the binoculars, but if you manage to sight a rare Pokemon, then you can immediately go to the desired area to catch it.
Published: Nov 30, 2021 03:23 pm