In Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, Star-Lord and his companions will travel to multiple planets to take down many different enemies in the attempt to save the galaxy from yet another evil schemer.
While the game is far from being the most difficult action title released this year, you will still have to pay attention during boss battles, as these more powerful enemies can make short work of your fellow Guardians, if you are not careful.
Here’s how to defeat the Slakebeasts without too many problems.
How to Beat Slakebeast in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy

The Slakebeast isn’t a proper boss, but it isn’t on the same level of power as the regular enemies either, as it is very resilient, can deal tons of damage, and requires a little bit of strategy to win. The first time you encounter a Slakebeast, you will be fighting it by itself, but soon enough, you will have to fight multiple of them at the same time, so take advantage of this opportunity to learn how to fight it.
Slakebeasts are extremely agile, and they receive very little damage unless they are staggered, so this should be your main focus when fighting them. Given their very fast movements, you should really use Groot’s Entangle to stop them and make it easier for you to deal Stagger damage. Once staggered, the Slakebeasts will expose their weak point, the belly, and receive high damage with your attacks. They have very high health, however, so it is likely you will not be able to finish one off in a single Stagger sequence.
If Groot’s Entangle is not available, always be on the move while you try to stagger the Slakebeasts. Once you have your strategy down, you will have no trouble taking them all down.
Published: Dec 8, 2021 05:31 am