Hashi puzzles are one of the four Arcane puzzle types in Silent Hill: Ascension. If they seem difficult to solve, our guide will help you deal with these puzzles in the shortest time possible and achieve a three-star rating on each level.
Solving the Silent Hill: Ascension Hashi puzzles
Like the Codebreaker and Lockbox puzzles, the Hashi puzzles in Silent Hill: Ascension follow a relatively simple principle: You get a board with various coins on it. Each coin has a Roman numeral (I, II, III, IV instead of 1, 2, 3, 4), indicating how many connections the coin may have. Your goal is to draw lines between coins until each is connected the exact number of times indicated by its Roman numeral.
Let’s look at some general tips on solving these puzzles. These rules will help you if you want to take on the puzzles yourself without spoiling the fun. After that, we’ll take a deeper dive into each level and give you a solution for every puzzle.
General tips
Silent Hill: Ascension gives you several starting tips and rules in the tutorial for the Hashi puzzle. The most important rules are:
- You can connect two coins with one or two lines
- Lines can’t be drawn diagonally – only vertical and horizontal connections are allowed
- Lines can’t cross one another
With these three rules in mind, we can start carving out a general strategy.
Start a Hashi puzzle by looking for two specific coins:
- A IV coin in the corner (two directions for connecting available)
- A VI coin with no possible connections on one side (three directions available)
In both cases, you can immediately connect the coin with two lines in each available direction. Once you make the connections, you’ll already have a solid starting point. From that point on, we recommend going from the top-left coin and moving counter-clockwise.
Follow the tips stated here, and solving the Hashi puzzles in Silent Hill: Ascension will become much easier. If you don’t feel like putting in the effort, the next sections will explain the solution for each puzzle.
For clarity’s sake, we’ll refer to the coins by their Roman numeral—I, II, III, IV, V, VI. Also, whenever connections are mentioned, you should connect two coins with a single line unless specified otherwise.
Beware: Spoilers ahead!
Silent Hill: Ascension Hashi Puzzle – Level 1

- Start from the leftmost I and connect to the II below.
- Connect that II to the II on the right.
- Connect that second bottom II with the III on its right.
- Wrap up the III by drawing two lines to the last coin at the bottom—IV
- Connect the bottom IV to the III in the top right (2 lines).
- From the top III, draw a line to the middle III at the top.
- Connect the middle and leftmost III coins.
- Connect the leftmost III to the II below (2 lines).
- Draw a line from the middle III to the IV below it.
- Connect the IV with the I on the left (1 line) and the III on the right (2 lines).
- Wrap up the puzzle by connecting the last III with the I above.
Silent Hill: Ascension Hashi Puzzle – Level 2

- Connect the top IV with the III on the right and VI below (2 lines each).
- Move onto the VI below; connect with the rightmost VI and the IV below (2 lines each).
- Move onto the IV below; connect with the IV on the right (2 lines).
- Connect the second bottom IV to the rightmost bottom IV (2 lines).
- Complete the last IV at the bottom by connecting with the VI above it (2 lines).
- Move onto the VI above and connect it to the II at the top right (2 lines).
- Go back to the III on the left and complete it by connecting it to the IV below.
- Connect the IV with the II below (1 line) and the III on the right (2 lines).
- Move onto the II below the IV; connect it to the I on the right.
- Wrap up by connecting the remaining III and I coins.
Silent Hill: Ascension Hashi Puzzle – Level 3

- Start from the top-left II, drawing one line below and one to the right.
- Move on the lower II on the left and connect it with the V to the right.
- Move onto the V at the bottom; connect it with the V above and the III on the right (2 lines each).
- Move onto the III at the bottom right and connect with the IV above.
- Connect the IV above with the V on the left (1 line) and the III at the top (2 lines).
- Connect the top-right III with the middle III, then draw 2 lines from the middle III to the IV on the left.
- Wrap up by drawing 2 lines from the IV to the V below.
Silent Hill: Ascension Hashi Puzzle – Level 4

- Start from the upper left II; connect with the VI below (2 lines).
- Move to the VI and connect with the VI on the right and the III below (2 lines each).
- Go to the bottom-left III and connect to the adjacent II.
- Connect that II with the VI above.
- Connect the bottom I with the III to the right, then draw 2 lines between the last two III coins.
- Move to the III at the bottom right and connect with the IV above.
- Connect the IV with the V above (1 line) and the VI to the left (2 lines).
- Move to the V above; connect with the II on the left and the IV above (2 lines each).
- Go to the upper right IV and draw two lines to the III on the left.
- Connect the III to the VI below.
- Wrap up by connecting the final VI with the II below.
Between the images and our thorough step-by-step guides, you’ll have no problem achieving three stars in Silent Hill: Ascension Hashi puzzles. If you want more useful tips on your favorite games, check out our Game Guides. And make sure to tell us how much time did you take to solve each puzzle!
Published: Nov 3, 2023 08:13 am