As soon as you get to the Minato ward in Shin Megami Tensei V, you will be able to go out of your way to explore the haunting wasteland that is Da’at in search of treasure and other oddities.
While exploring the world, you will also find some friendly demons who ask you for their assistance. Helping them is not required to complete the game, but doing so will allow you to get some very nice rewards, including Talismans that unlock additional Magatsuhi skills.
Here’s how to complete one of these optional quests, the Leave No Stone Unturned sidequest.
How to Complete the No Stone Unturned Sidequest in Shin Megami Tensei V

You can accept the Leave No Stone Unturned by talking with the Neko Shogun that can be found in the Minato ward in the location shown on the map above. The Neko Shogun is near the building you have to scale to move ahead in the ward to the north of the Shiba Leyline Fount.
By talking with the Neko Shogun, you will learn that it needs 5 Life Stones. These useful restorative items, which heal 30% HP, are obtained as an item drop from Daemons. If you fought enough battle so far, you will likely have a few of them in your possession already.
Once you have the required number of Life Stones, give them to the Neko Shogun to complete the quest. You will get 120 EXP points and the Wargod Talisman that unlocks a special Magatsuhi skill that all Wargod demons can use.
Published: Dec 23, 2021 06:12 am