While exploring what seems like a lifeless wasteland in Shin Megami Tensei V, you will meet plenty of friendly demons who are looking for help to solve their troubles. Helping them is not required at all to complete the campaign, but doing so anyway will allow you to get some nice rewards, get some of these demons to join your party, and even obtain the Talismans needed to unlock additional Magatsuhi Skills.
Here’s how to complete the Bully Breaker sidequest in Shin Megami Tensei V and what you get for doing so.
How to Complete the Bully Breaker Sidequest in Shin Megami Tensei V

The Bully Breaker sidequest is one of the sidequests that can be accepted and completed in the early game. To start this quest, you will have to talk with the Agathion standing on a bridge to the south of the Hamamatsucho Leyline Fount in the Minato ward. You can find the exact location on the map above.
This friendly Agathion will tell you of his woes with the Daemons, who are bullying the Agathions in the area just for the fun of it. After you accept to teach them a lesson, you will have to head into a cave to the east of the Hamamatsucho Leyline Fount and defeat three Daemons inside. The cave’s exact location can be found on the map below.

To make the fight against the Daemons easier, make sure to bring demons that are capable of using Electricity and Light attacks like Zio and Hama. Once you have defeated three of them, inform Agathion back on the bridge that you have done as asked. You will get the Agathion’s Essence and 200 EXP points for your trouble.
Published: Dec 27, 2021 05:39 am