The Gourmet Supremos is a pretty unique quest found in Genshin Impact’s Inazuma region, on Narukami Island. It is an early world quest that players can take on right after leaving Riotu. The quest not only introduces players to the new exploration puzzles but also rewards players with Inazuma cooking recipes and dishes.
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Similar to a few other Inazuma world quests, Gourmet Supremos includes a series of quests. In total, there are five quests under Gourmet Supremos. You can find the names of all five quests mentioned below.
- Gourmet Supremos, Assemble!
- The Gourmet Supremos: Of Shrines and Sakura
- The Gourmet Supremos: The Seashore Strider
- The Gourmet Supremos: The Deep Divers
- The Gourmet Supremos: On the Road
In this Genhsin Impact guide, we will walk you through each and every quest of Gourmet Supremos.
Gourmet Supremos Complete Quest Guide
Here is a complete guide on Gourmet Supremos world quest.
How to Get Gourmet Supremos World Quest

Players can get the Gourmet Supremos world quest on a small isle found in between Riotu and Konda village.
Gourmet Supremos, Assemble!
Talk to the NPC Xudong to start the Gourmet Supremos, Assemble! quest.

Collect the Special Sakura Bloom

Use the Electrogranum to get past the barrier. Once you are inside the barrier, collect the special sakura bloom.
Give the Special Sakura Bloom to Xudong

Talk to Xudong

Talk to Xudong to complete the quest. At the end, you will also get the Sakura Tempura and its recipe.
The Gourmet Supremos: Of Shrines and Sakura

Go to the Grand Narukami Shrine to complete the quest.
The Gourmet Supremos: The Seashore Strider

You can find the third Gourmet Supremos world quest north of Kujou Encampment. Travel to the nearest waypoint and make your way to the above player icon location.
Talk to the Gourmet Supremos

Place bait near the Thunder Sakura
Defeat the Electro Abyss Mages.
Catch crabs near the Thunder Sakura

Give the captured crab to Xudong

Give the crab to Xudong to complete the quest. He will reward you with the Crab Roe Kourayaki recipe.
The Gourmet Supremos: The Deep Divers

The fourth Gourmet Supremos quest is found in Yashiori Island, near Momiji-Dyed Court Domain.
Talk to Xudong

Pick Fresh Seagrass

To pick up Sea Grass, you have to un-flood the dungeon area. And to do that, you need an Electrogranum. Right near the drop shaft, you will find a Thunder Sakura Bough. Summon an Electrogranum and glide down inside the barrier.

Once you are inside the barrier, activate the device to un-flood the area.

Go down and defeat guarded by Ruin Sentinels. Once that is done, solve the cube puzzle to get an exquisite chest and unlock the shaft on the ground.

Glide down the shaft, defeat the hydro slimes and collect the fresh Seagrass.

Bring the Fresh Seagrass to Xudong

Bring the seagrass to Xudong to complete the quest.
The Gourmet Supremos: On the Road
The Gourmet Supremos: On the Road is the fifth and final quest in the Gourmet Supremos quest series. Players can get this quest in Inazuma City. The trios are found right beside Katheryne.
Talk to Xudong

Go to the designated location to look for cooking ingredients
You have to go to Chinju Forest.
Explore further and find cooking ingredients

Talk to the people in front of you

Look for cooking ingredients (0/3)

Find a good spot for cooking

That’s all, you have finally completed the entire series of Gourmet Supremos quest. If you face any difficulty with the Gourmet Supremos quest or any other quest or puzzle, feel free to comment down below. Or, you can check our Guide section.
Published: Jul 27, 2021 11:42 am