Having a great base layout in Gang Nations is extremely important because the better your base, the better you can defend the resources you have looted from other players or harvested from your buildings. However, with the game’s mechanics being slightly different compared to those of the other similar games (I am thinking about Clash of Clans here), getting that perfect base might prove to be a bit tricky. But we’re here to help you with a complete guide to a perfect base design in Gang Nations. Hopefully, it will all work out and you will be able to fend off all attacks.
Don’t forget that we have also published a complete Gang Nations tips and cheats article – make sure to check it out if you want to have the upper hand in all battles! And now let’s check out below how to build that perfect base in Gang Nations!
As you probably know already, the most important building in your base is the Boss Mansion – if you lose that, you lose all your buildings, so that’s the main structure to defend.
In order to best protect the Boss Mansion, you should place it in a central location on your base, in the area that’s most difficult to get to. This means that you should only have one road pointing to your Mansion and that should be the long and difficult route. Also, have in mind that you should have buildings around it as the Dozer can take advantage and break through the back, creating a new road. Early on, I lost a ton of fights because of the dozer that created a new path in an area where I had zero defense.
So, this is how I would suggest you to build the perfect base in the game:
– Unlock as many new areas as possible, trying to create a square. This way, you push off the routes where your enemy can deploy its troops and you can protect your Boss Mansion easier by placing it in the middle.
– Adjust all the roads. Troops only travel on the roads and you should use that to your own advantage: fill up all the roads that you can fill, and create the longest possible road to your Mansion. Fill the road with traps and add buildings on the sides so that troops are slowed down for as long as possible. I am talking something like this (an early base design of mine that proved really strong):
In the image above, we have a really solid base design for Gang Nations: a Dozer can’t really do a lot of harm, and the only route to the Mansion is extremely long and time consuming. The towers will take out the attackers, which in turn will spend a lot of time destroying the buildings on the sides. This might win you enough time to keep your mansion alive and it will certainly scare away most of the attackers!
– Learn from other bases. It’s pretty obvious that the bases you’re having a really tough time against are well build bases and other players are having a tough time against them as well. Analyze them, see how they’re built and build your own in a similar manner.
– Watch the replays, especially those where you lose. See where are your design’s weak spots and try to fix them. With a bit of trial and error and some great tower and road placement, you will have an amazing base in no time!
Do you have other suggestions when it comes to building the perfect base in Gang Nations? Let us know by commenting below!
Published: Feb 19, 2015 07:54 am