Epic Seven is an anime RPG for mobile device featuring a colorful cast of characters, each with their own unique set of skills. Today, we’ll be looking at the shadowy Homunculus Pyllis in our Epic Seven Pyllis lore, skills, and more guide!
Pyllis’ Lore
A lonely Homunculus with missing memories…
Part of the Church of Ilryos, Pyllis was originally Human before the Homunculus experiments changed her. She cannot remember anything from her time as a Human, but has a lingering feeling of being abandoned by a friend.
— Pyllis’ in-game background
Pyllis is a Homunculus warrior, and as such she is extremely loyal to the Acolytes, including Tenebria, Nilgal, and Ravi. She is hostile towards Ras, as he defeated her on the battlefield, causing her to fail a crucial mission.
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Pyllis’ Combat Skills
Pyllis is a 3-star Dark Knight with the Cancer star sign. True to her unfeeling Homunculus nature, she is rather sturdy and can tank very well for her party. Though she’s a viable tank early on in PvE, she’s not a popular choice in PvP due to her lack of utility.
She finds the most use in Abyss and Raid stages, where she can take constant damage for the extremely helpful party defense buff. As long as enemies keep targeting her, Pyllis can be a great frontline tank.
Pyllis’ maximum stats when awakened are:
- CP: 19503
- Attack: 685
- Health: 6403
- Speed: 91
- Defense: 703
Pyllis’ combat skills are:
Weakening Blow — Pyllis strikes a single enemy, dealing damage with a 50% chance to provoke them. Provoked enemies will target Pyllis for one turn. This skill’s strength scales with Pyllis’ defense stat. Generates 1 soul.
Will (Passive) — Pyllis’ defense increases whenever she is attacked, stacking up to three times. Every fourth attack Pyllis takes causes her to increase the party’s defense for two turns.
Guard (4 turn cooldown) — Pyllis strikes a single enemy, provoking it and granting a barrier to her party for two turns. The damage dealt and barrier strength is equal to Pyllis’ defense stat.
That’s everything you need to know about Pyllis. If you have any other questions or tips, let us know in the comments below!
Published: Nov 16, 2021 01:52 am