The battle against Android 18 during the Cell Saga in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot proved that the Androids are a real threat to Earth, but it seems like they are not fixated on destroying everything as they did in Future Trunks’ timeline. They are still a threat, however, so the Z Warrior will continue trying to put them down any way they can.
Here’s how to defeat Android 17 in the only fight against him featured in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot.
How to Defeat Android 17 in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot

As mentioned above, Android 17 is only fought once during the Cell Saga. You will control Piccolo for this fight, and you probably won’t have much trouble once you learn the enemy’s attack patterns.
Android 17 only uses three different special attacks, alongside the regular short-range combo that can be either guarded or dodged. Hell Storm is a long-range attack that launches 6 energy attacks that will hit you from the left and right, alternating after each shot. You can either block them for minimal damage or try to dodge them at the last second, remembering to dodge to the left if the previous attack came from the right and so on.
Savage Combo is Android 17’s close-range special attack consisting of three powerful kicks that deal a lot of damage. As this attack has limited tracking capabilities, you can avoid it by simply getting as far as possible from him.
Barrier is the third and final special attack at Android 17’s disposal. This technique makes the boss invincible to most damage, knocking you back if you are in range. Take this opportunity to restore your Ki and get ready to get back on the offensive once Android 17 is done with his technique.
After performing these three special attacks, Android 17 will be open to your attacks, so use this window of opportunity to deal as much damage as possible. Eventually, the Android will go down, but the difficult fights will be far from being over.
Published: Dec 28, 2021 04:26 am