Shiny Pokemon are extremely rare versions of regular Pokemon that you can identify by their different color and the fact that they, of course, shine. Hunting these unusual Pokemon is practically a sport. Shiny Chaining is used most often and in this guide, we will tell you all about it.
Shiny Chaining in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
The chance of catching Shiny Pokemon in the wild is 1/4096. From Eggs, the appearance of such Pokemon has the same probability. However, Shiny Chaining significantly increases this chance to 1/99. You can use this method of Shiny Chaining in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
First, you need to get PokeRadar, which will increase the chances of finding Pokemon of the same species. To do this, you must become a Sinnoh League Champion and then go to Professor Rowan’s, as he will give you the PokeRadar. Next, find Professor Oak in Ramana’s Park. This will give you access to Chain Counter, the app in your Poketch. Now you need a lot of Poke Balls and repel and you are ready to hunt.
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Equip your Chain Counter and PokeRadar and go to the area where the type of Pokemon you want will spawn. With PokeRadar, you can easily find the hiding Pokemon by the grass shake animation. When you have found the desired Pokemon, catch it or defeat it to start the Chain. Then, look further for the shaking grass. By continuing to 40 Chained, your chances of finding Shiny Pokemon will increase to 1/99. There is no guarantee that Chaining will not stop. As soon as you see a patch of grass with little stars, you know that you’ve won, since this means that the next Pokemon is 100% Shiny.
Published: Nov 21, 2021 03:53 pm