Card Battler games are among the more popular games available on the App Store. The success of Blizzard’s Heartstone has only increased the number of card battler games getting released each month, each one featuring a different take on the basic gameplay formula. Another interesting game of the genre is also available for download right now on the App Store.
In Monsters Ate My Metropolis, players will have to battle rival monsters with their own and destroy entire cities. To fight and defeat opponents, players will have to use a variety of cards that will make your giant monster perform a variety of actions. Once a match has been won, players will receive tokens that can be used to unlock more monsters, all coming with unique stats and abilities that can be improved by using cards.
The card battler features of Monsters Ate My Metropolis are only a fraction of the whole experience. In the game players will also be able to build their own city, a city that they will later have to defend from other monsters.
Monsters Ate My Metropolis is now available for download on the App Store. If you have already started the game but want to learn more about it, you definitely want to check out our Monsters Ate My Metropolis guide for some tips and tricks on how to build your monster and city.
Published: Aug 13, 2015 07:13 am