Art of War: Legions is a strategy game where players are tasked with leading their army to victory. You don’t control your troops directly, rather, you position them strategically, and they fight on their own. Placing the right troops in the right spots is crucial to winning the war, and today we’re here to show you some of the best troop formations in Art of War: Legions!
Best Troop Formations
Early on, since you have a limited supply of units, your best formation is to put your Infantry in front and Archers in the back. This way, your Infantry will charge into battle and soak up all the damage, while your Archers pick away at foes from a safe distance.

The golden rule of thumb is to always put troops with high defense and health in the front line, while the more fragile ranged attackers should be placed in the back line. This is general strategy early on, and remains the go-to strategy later in the game with some new additional strategies.
You’ll start getting troops that deal magic damage or splash damage to multiple targets. We recommend checking each individual troop’s stats to figure out where they belong the best. Here’s a little tip: you can tap on the blue exclamation mark in a troop’s profile to see their exact attack data.
You’ll notice that a good amount of ranged troops have infinite range, so they can pretty much be in the very back row and still be able to attack the enemy. Keep in mind that troops will target the closest thing to them, so if you want your ranged troops to attack an enemy on the side, make sure you position them accordingly.
Eventually you’ll unlock Heroes, strong single units that have special powers and abilities. There are three positions for Heroes in your formation: the left, right, and bottom spots. Much like regular troops, each Hero has their own unique attack type, so experiment to find out their best positions.
Heroes synergize with specific troops — for example, a strong melee Hero can lead the charge for a group of Archers, or any other ranged attackers. Try out different combinations and see what works best for you.
In general, you don’t really need to worry about strategy too much early on, since the enemies you’ll face are simple and just run at you head on.
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Best Troop Formations for Later Levels
Once you reach level 150, you’ll start to encounter enemies that will flank your back line and avoid your front line. You’ll also run into back line enemies that will bombard your formation with area attacks. This is where you’ll need to strategize!

Here’s a setup we like to counter enemies that bypass your front line and ambush your rear. Place melee troops in the front line as usual, but also spare a few to put in the back line. This will make it so that when the flankers go for your back line, they’ll also grab the attention of your back line melee troops. For best results, try to put your melee troops in the very back to ensure that they stick to any flankers.
Not all enemy formations are going to have flankers, so make sure to replace your front row troops if you notice no flankers. The main flanker to watch out for is the Ghost Assassin — they wield short daggers and wear red and yellow cloaks.
If your army gets totally wiped out, don’t give up! Try rearranging your troops around, or try a different hero. Art of War: Legions is all about experimenting and finding the right formation to fit the current situation at hand, so keep trying new strategies.
Those are some of the best troop formations in Art of War: Legions. Got any impregnable formations that you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments below!
Published: Oct 15, 2021 08:00 pm