Got a Pokemon in your Pokemon Go roster you’ve been dying to evolve but you can’t find a spawn spot? All the more reason to save up your resources for Community Day. They’re a great time to either shiny hunt, play with friends, or try a new challenge. Luckily, Niantic has released all the days in advance for your convenience. These are all of the upcoming Community Days in Pokemon Go.
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How Community Day Works In Pokemon Go
Right now, we have the dates specifically for the Fall Community Days. Now that the weather is cooling down, it’s a great excuse to get back to walking outside. We have to enjoy the nice days before it turns cold again. We’re not sure if there are going to be any Community Days in the Winter, but we’ll be sure to keep you posted.

For those unfamiliar, Community Days are special times when the game will make a specific Pokemon respawn everywhere. It can be any Pokemon from Zubat to Jigglypuff to Totodile. The only ones you won’t see are legendaries since those are for special events. Community Days are usually on weekends and last for about four to five hours. There’s no guarantee a Pokemon’s Community Day will return, so you should set aside time for them.
Community Day Classics In Pokemon Go

While the dates have been confirmed, we don’t know actually which Pokemon is going to be in the Community Days (yet). This is likely to keep it a surprise or to avoid backlash since some people can be very opinionated on who they think should or shouldn’t get a Community Day.
Here is every upcoming Community Day so that you can mark it down!
Date | Pokemon |
September 2nd | Charmander |
September 23rd | Grubbin |
October 15th | N/A |
November 5th | N/A |
November 25th | N/A |
Note: Keep in mind that the Community Days hours start at 2:00 PM and they last until 5:00 PM (Local Time)
What we do know is that two of these will be Community Day Classics, where a Pokemon that has already had a Community Day is getting a second or sometimes third round. This is to give new players the chance to get it – for example, the first one is Charmander, which is a very popular Pokemon that many people want. Don’t worry though, there are more new ones than there are reruns.
All (Previous and Upcoming) Community Days in 2023
If you want to be up-to-date with all of the Community Days, or want to check whether or not you missed a previous one, here is a complete table with all of the Pokemon GO Community Days from the past year. Mark your calendar, because you don’t want to miss them.
Date | Pokemon |
January 7th, 2023 | Chespin |
January 21st, 2023 | Larvitar |
February 5th, 2023 | Noibat |
March 18th, 2023 | Slowpoke, Galarian Slowpoke |
April 15th, 2023 | Togetic |
April 29th, 2023 | Swinub |
May 21st, 2023 | Fennekin |
June 10th, 2023 | Axew |
July 9th, 2023 | Squirtle |
July 30th, 2023 | Poliwag |
August 13th, 2023 | Froakie |
September 2nd, 2023 | Charmander |
September 23rd, 2023 | Grubbin |
October 15th, 2023 | N/A |
November 5th, 2023 | N/A |
November 25th, 2023 | N/A |
We will periodically update this as details for the other Community Days are released. In the meantime, enjoy catching these special Pokemon!
Published: Sep 22, 2023 08:00 am