If you want to catch rare Pokemon that can’t be found in tall grass or dark caves, then it is essential that you know how to get Honey in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
When you smear honey on trees, it will attract rare Pokemon to them hours later, which you can battle and capture to add to your team or just complete your Pokedex.
| Related: How do Honey Trees Work in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl? |
If you want to know exactly where to find Honey in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, read on below!
Where to Find Honey in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
In order to unlock the ability to get as much Honey as you want, you need to progress a little into the game, specifically to the point where you reach Floarama Town.
This quaint little town filled with peace and the scent of flowers is also home to Floarama Meadow. In Florama Meadow, you will find an NPC who will give you your first quantity of Honey! From then on, you can return to him at any time to buy Honey.
How to Unlock the Floarama Meadow
To unlock the Floarama Meadow in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl and get your jars of Honey, you need to first get the Works Key. To do this, simply:
- Go to Valley Windworks.
- Battle the Team Galactic Member guarding the doors.
- Beat him and now visit Floarama Meadow.
- Beat the 2 Galactic members bullying the NPC.
This chain of events will lead the NPC to hand you the Works Key as well as your first jar of Honey!
Published: Dec 14, 2021 05:35 am