During the course of your adventure in the Sinnoh region in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, you will meet Cynthia multiple times. The Pokemon trainer will help you on several occasions, but the last time you meet her at the Pokemon League, you will have to fight her as the Champion.
Being the final trainer battle in the main campaign, the battle against Cynthia and her Pokemon team can be challenging, especially if you do not know which Pokemon she has with her. Here’s everything you need to know about her team to help you win this fight.
What is Cynthia’s Team in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl?

Being the Champion, it is not surprising to see how Cynthia comes with a team of powerful Pokemon that are at level 60 and above. They all also hold items that make them even more deadly, so you will have to come prepared to take them down and become the new Champion of Sinnoh.
You can find all the details on Cynthia’s team in the table below. They usually appear in the battle in the same exact order.
Pokemon | Held Items | Moves |
Spiritomb – Lv. 61 | Sitrus Berry | Shadow Ball Dark Pulse Psychic Sucker Punch |
Roserade – Lv. 60 | Expert Belt | Dazzling Gleam Shadow Ball Sludge Bomb Energy Ball |
Gastrodon – Lv.60 | Leftovers | Scald Earthquake Sludge Bomb Rock Tomb |
Lucario – Lv.63 | Wise Glasses | Aura Sphere Dragon Pulse Flash Cannon Nasty Plot |
Milotic – Lv.63 | Flame Orb | Recover Mirror Coat Ice Beam Scald |
Garchomp – Lv.68 | Yache Berry | Dragon Claw Earthquake Swords Dance Poison Jab |
Published: Dec 3, 2021 05:12 am