Pikmin are little plant-like creatures players can grow and collect in the augmented reality game, Pikmin Bloom. Pikmin come in a variety of basic types: Red, Yellow, Blue, White, Purple, Rock, and Winged. These colours and types can be turned into Decor Pikmin by growing a giant seedling or by levelling them up to a full 4-star Friendship Level. Some Decor types are more readily available than others- find out below which we have discovered are the most rare types of Decor Pikmin.
Decor Pikmin Rated from Least to Most Rare
A little disclaimer before we start our list: Discovering new Pikmin depends on where you live and what amenities you have nearby. It also depends on whether any of these places of interest are marked on the OSM (OpenStreetMap). Some players have been having trouble finding a Zoo Pikmin, for example, because their local animal park or zoo has not been properly marked on the OSM. As this is a relatively new game it may take some time for all the kinks to be ironed out in this regard. Until then, this is what we believe are the least to most rare Decor Pikmin that can be found in Pikmin Bloom.
Roadside Pikmin

These Roadside Pikmin are a catch-all type of Pikmin that can be found in places where there would be no other specific type of Pikmin. They come with a green, blue, or orange lettered sticker on them, and the sticker icon is always the first letter of the name of the area where it was found. They are the ones most people find easily.
Park Pikmin

The Park Decor Pikmin have a clover decoration on them to represent the green space they were found in. These are very easily and regularly found because many people walk in parks to find and grow their seedlings.
Forest Pikmin

The Forest type of Pikmin are the next players can find regularly. They come in two types- acorn and stag beetle. They are found quite regularly as woodland walks are very popular for a lot of players.
Supermarket Pikmin

These food-themed Pikmin can be found at large Supermarkets, usually. They are pretty common for those who take Pikmin Bloom grocery shopping with them! They come in two varieties- banana and mushroom.
Minimart Pikmin

These have a bottle cap on their heads and can be found around convenience stores (corner shops in the UK). Quite a lot of people have discovered one or two of these during a trip to get some milk.
Cafe Pikmin

These can be found at coffee shops and cafes, and have a coffee cup decoration. Each colour Pikmin has a different pattern cup, which is adorable. Pretty easy to find if you live near a town centre full of shops and cafes.
Bakery Pikmin

Anyone who has visited their local bakery has probably discovered this cutie-pie. They look like various slices of baguette. they aren’t very rare as many people have a bakery nearby and have discovered one or two of these already.
Restaurant Pikmin

These have a chef hat decor and can be found in and around restaurants. They are perhaps a little trickier to find than cafe Pikmin, but it depends on how many restaurants you have nearby.
Movie Theatre Pikmin

Popcorn-headed movie theatre Pikmin can be found near and around cinemas. Next time you go to watch the latest blockbuster, take your Pikmin with you and see what you can find!
Clothing Store Pikmin

These fashionable Pikmin can be found at most clothing stores and wear a little scrunchie hair tie around their neck. They are pretty easy to collect if you can walk around clothing stores near where you live.
Hair Salon Pikmin

Visit a hair salon or barber near you to collect one of these Decor Pikmin. They have scissors and a comb as decoration, and are not too rare but it depends if your local salon is marked on the OSM.
Post Office Pikmin

The Post Office Pikmin can be found, surprisingly, at your local Post Office. If you have one nearby you can easily collect one of these stamped beauties.
Station Pikmin

If you travel a lot on trains or the underground/tube station you may find a few of these. This is one Decor Pikmin that may be easier to find if you live in a city, or of course near a railway.
Beach Pikmin

Beach Pikmin are not very rare if you happen to live near, or often visit, a beach. They have shells on their heads as decoration.
Waterside Pikmin

These are found often for people who live near the coastline but not on a beach. They can be discovered by the waterside, near rocky areas, rather than a sandy beach.
Pharmacy Pikmin

The Pharmacy Pikmin are discovered near pharmacies and are decorated with a toothbrush and a slick of toothpaste. Just hang around a pharmacy near you and you could pick up a seedling which will eventually grow into a Pharmacy Pikmin.
Sweetshop Pikmin

These we have found to be a bit trickier to discover as sweetshops are not as popular as, say, cafes or supermarkets. They are so cute with their macaron headpiece, though, so we hope to find one soon!
Art Gallery Pikmin

This is definitely one of the more difficult ones to find as not everyone lives near an art gallery. You may have to travel a way out of town to find this Pikmin with a piece of art on its head.
Airport Pikmin

Another elusive Pikmin we have yet to find, due to its unique area of discovery. The Pikmin is sat in a little airplane and is one of the rarest in the collection.
Zoo Pikmin

The Zoo Pikmin is one many people seem to be having trouble with as not every animal park or zoo is marked correctly on the OpenStreetMap used by the system. Some people are travelling way out of town to find the seedling for this dandelion-headed Pikmin.
That is the list of least to most rare Decor Pikmin we can discover in Pikmin Bloom, not including any special edition Pikmin that may come up in future Pikmin events. Let us know in the comments below which are you most rare Pikmin, and which you are hoping to still collect!
Published: Nov 20, 2021 03:23 pm