I love playing Ultimate Wrestling! Hopefully, the game will become a lot more popular than it is today, because it is a really fun lightweight experience. And it features wrestlers, so that’s already a bonus. Although things are pretty straightforward when it comes to Ultimate Wrestling, I am here to make sure that you get the most out of it by sharing with you some Ultimate Wrestling cheats and tips. Hopefully, my strategy guide will help you play better, win more matches and become one of the best managers out there.
So let’s get ready to rumble with Touch Tap Play’s Ultimate Wrestling game tips and cheats that you can check out below (then share with your friends):
1. Hit Points are extremely important
When selecting the Wrestlers to hire, pay attention to the Hit Points they have and try to hire only those who have over 100. The Hit Points are not taken into account when calculating their overall skill average, but they are extremely important. Hit Points are what keep your wrestler going and if you have one with 100 Skill Average, but 60 Hit Points, he will most likely lose a lot. That’s why you should always make sure that you hire the healthiest wrestlers because they win matches!
2. Starting Age is important too
When your wrestlers age (which happens every three days), they start losing skills. This happens when they get to 30+ and this is why getting the youngest possible wrestlers is extremely important: you get more play time from them. And, since wrestlers have a chance to improve their skills after each won match, they have chances to become a lot better over time.
3. Play your cards smartly
There are three types of cards in the game: Sponsorships and Match Bonuses which can only be played by the Wrestlers who win them and Manager cards which can be played on any wrestler before any fight. A good idea would be to play your cards smartly: whenever you get a Sponsorship card, play it in combination with a Match Bonus if you are in an advanced league in order to increase your chances of winning. Have in mind that Sponsorship cards stick to your Wrestler for as long as he keeps winning, so you want to make sure that you don’t waste those cards! Only play Manager cards late in the game, when your Wrestlers really need that extra bonus in order to remain competitive.
4. Log in as often as possible
After the first 5 matches, our wrestlers need 1 hour to recover before they’re able to fight again. This means that you should try to get back to the game as often as possible – hourly if possible – in order to take advantage of this. The more fights you play, the more coins you get and the more Card Packs you can buy from the store.
5. How to properly buy Card Packs
Always buy a Manager Card Pack before buying and opening a Wrestler Card Pack. The reason why you should always do this is that Manager packs give you staff cards, among which the Recruiter is extremely important as it greatly improves the quality of the wrestlers you can hire. So always try to buy a Wrestler Card pack when you have the Recruiter activated.
Have in mind that Wrestlers you get from card packs are available for hire for 7 days after opening the pack, so a good strategy if you have a Recruiter card about to expire, would be to get a Wrestlers pack right before the Recruiter card expires and hire the best wrestlers as late as possible, when your current ones are too old to deliver.
6. Purchase credits
Unlike most games out there, Ultimate Wrestling has an amazing offer: for $2 you can get 10,000 credits, which is really impressive and extremely useful. So don’t hesitate to spend the small amount on getting coins that will help your game a lot!
This would be if in terms of Ultimate Wrestling tips and cheats. Do you have anything else to add? Let us know by sharing a comment below!
Published: Nov 18, 2016 10:01 am