Storm Casters Ultra is rapid-fire dungeon crawling game meant to be playing in short bursts. After a horde of evil monsters take your village, you are bestowed with the legendary power of the Storm Casters. Wield mighty magic, utilize powerful battle cards, and fight your way through an ancient dungeon. Here’s the catch: once you enter the dungeon, you have a very short time limit, so act fast! Thankfully, with gold, you can increase your time limit. We’ll help you become a master dungeon explorer with our Storm Casters Ultra cheats, tips and tricks strategy guide!
1. Check your cards!
Before you head into a dungeon, you have the option of locking one of the three randomly selected cards. When you lock a card you’ll keep it even if you shuffle the selection. This means that you can sort of choose the cards you want. For example, if you want a lot of gold, you want to pick “Trader’s Bond” and “Gambler’s Dice”. Remember: some cards synergize well with others, and sometimes it’s worth it to spend the gold to shuffle.
2. Stay on the move!
The basic enemies usually have melee only attacks, which means that you should always keep your distance. You should always be moving, because you don’t need to worry about aiming. Your hero will automatically shoot towards the closest enemy when the attack button is held down, so don’t stop moving!
3. Save your bomb card!
One of the first cards you get is a “Blast Bomb”. This card makes it so that blast bombs have a chance to drop in the dungeon. When used, a blast bomb will detonate on top of your hero in a plus formation. This explosion does massive damage to enemies, so you want to save it for bursting down a boss.
4. Break open destructibles!
You’ll often see boxes and barrels strewn about the dungeon floors. Breaking them open usually drops a couple pieces of gold, but sometimes you’ll find card collectibles inside like blast bombs and hearts. While it may seem like a waste of time, if you need to equip or heal yourself, try breaking these destructibles open!
5. Know when to rush and when to stay back!
Early on, you’re going to find yourself running out of time very often. Knowing when to keep pushing and when to just stop and explore is key to balancing your gold income. For example, if you know you’re about to hit a miniboss floor and you have no weapon power up, no item card, and a couple of seconds left, it might be better to just fully explore the room you’re currently in for extra gold.
6. Keep going!
The best thing to keep in mind when adventuring through these dungeons is that a run through is never wasted. You may not get far because you keep running out of time but you’re constantly getting more gold, which in turn means more time and more attack power for your hero. Since there’s no energy limit in this game, you can keep running as much as you like and you’re going to become stronger!
That’s all for Storm Casters Ultra. If you have any or strategies or tips, share below in the comments!
Published: Oct 2, 2015 12:40 am