In today’s article we are going to cover all of the Snoopy Puzzle Journey tips and cheats to help you pass more levels and to help you better understand the game!
Much like many other match three type of games, this one is going to be as fun as it will be difficult (eventually). Since the game has not only a fun story featuring your favorite characters, but also a great play style, you will most likely enjoy the game to the fullest once you find a trick to pass the levels fast!
And thus being said, let’s not waste another second and dive right into the Snoopy Puzzle Journey tips and tricks right here below and teach you everything that you need to know about the game!
Start matching as much as you can
The game is a type of match three game, but with a small twist! It’s enough if you have two of the same color blocks next to each other in order to have a match! This might all sound pretty easy, but the more levels you pass, the more difficult it becomes!

I suggest that you always tap to match the blocks which have the most colors around, because these will give you boosts and more points. Try looking for the 7+ block groups, because those will give the best boosts!
No matter what you do, just try to match as many blocks as you can while still following the level requirements (written in the list in the top left) and not exceeding the maximum number of movements! The stages will end when you have reached the objective for that stage, or if you ran out of moves before completing it!
You don’t have to use your special moves before finishing a level
When you tap to match the blocks with bonuses, you might think that you need to actually tap on the special blocks every time you make one. Well, the truth is you don’t have to! Once you finished the stage, those blocks will automatically activate so even if you didn’t use them, they will not go to waste.
Once they activate, they will take down rows and rows of blocks, adding to your final score and helping you acquire 3 stars almost every single time. Therefore I suggest that if you don’t need to activate a special block, you don’t do it because it will be more worth it saving that move.
Collect stars to open the Star Suitcase
The Star Suitcase is a chest full of goods which you can open once you have collected 20 Stars. This is located in the main game interface, in the upper right corner of the screen. When it starts glowing, you can just tap on it because that means that you have collected enough stars to open it!
Every time you finish a stage, it will give you from 1 to 3 stars as reward, depending on your performance. For the stages which you have finished without full 3 stars (which is max) you can just try them again and again until you get the maximum score!
Make sure you open this whenever you can, because it contains extra Lives, Coins and Boosts which will help you quite a lot in the long run!

Watch an ad daily for a free Gift
In the upper right side of the screen you will notice Woodstock on a tree branch with a gift box flying into the screen. This gift is available daily, by watching an advertisement. I suggest that you watch the ad to open this every single day because it will give you great boosts every day for free.
You don’t have to use the boosts when you get them, so just save them up for when you are at some higher levels and need an extra hand at passing that stage. Just keep in mind that you can only claim this once a day, so make sure that you do it on a daily basis!
Search and add more friends for free gifts
The game has a pretty interesting friends system, which basically allows you to become friends with all kinds of people from all over the world in the game, and you can gift each other various gifts daily.
Now about the gifts, you can add people you know or random ones, by heading on to the Mail -> Send Gift -> and there you can search for your very first friends. Do that and add all of the people you see in the list.
Then, in the Inbox section you will be able to claim all the gifts people sent to you. Make sure that you send them back all of the gifts daily, because they will do the same! You can receive Lives, Boosts and many more from these so make sure that you don’t miss out of them!

Check your To Do list for objectives to complete
In this section located in the bottom side of the screen, you will have a list of all the possible tasks that you can complete in game. Make sure that you try and complete as many as possible because they will give you various rewards.
Another important thing regarding the objectives that you get is that you will have City objectives, Daily objectives and Events. The City objectives are the ones which you get in every city that you visit. The Daily objectives you will receive every day at 15:00 UTC and they reset.
I suggest that you complete your Daily objectives every single day because once they reset, you will have to start from 0 again. Do them daily before the reset time because they give you boosts and Lives, so it’s definitely going to help you advance.
Collect Coins to unlock more Snoopies
If you want to unlock more of Snoopy’s costumes you can head on to the Sale tab and there you will see in the last tab (“Buy with Coins”) that there are two Snoopy costumes which you can purchase with 12500 Coins.
I suggest that you save up money for the first one, as that one is time limited (Snoopy / Drumming Horseman), and then save Coins for the second one which is always going to be there available for purchase (Snoopy / Stars and Stripes).
Select boosters before a stage starts
You can select a couple of boosters before a stage starts which will give you a head start in terms of boosts for that stage. These should help you clear the more difficult levels, so use them only when absolutely necessary because they will not always be available.
In my opinion you can try to play a stage without nay kind of boosters and if you fail multiple times, then you can use the boosters at the beginning of the level when you give it another shot. Do that because I am sure that you will do better if you give it multiple tries and only use the boosters after, instead of using them for no reason.

Match the special blocks
In the game you will be able to create a few special pieces which match the drawing on the blocks. There will be the following:
– Missile: This will be created when you match 5-6 blocks together and it will clear either an entire column or an entire row, depending on which way it is pointing.
– Bomb: This will be created when you match 7-8 blocks together and it will create an explosion which will destroy blocks in a 3×3 radius.
– Disco Ball: This will be created when you match 9+ aligned pieces together and when you actvate it, it will destroy all blocks of the same color as the Disco Ball.
I really suggest that you try and make as many special blocks as you can while trying to follow the game’s level objective, even if you don’t use them right away. That way you will generate a lot of points which will make it easier to get to 3 stars.
Match special block with special block
Whenever you can, try to make special blocks next to each other. There will be some really crazy boosts that can happen when you match 2 or 3 special blocks together, so try focusing on that if possible.
For example if you match a Disco Ball with a Bomb, you will place bombs instead of all the pieces of the color matching the Disco Ball. By doing this, it will help you clear the levels a lot easier so it’s definitely something to prioritize whenever you have a chance.

These would be all of our Snoopy Puzzle Journey tips and tricks that we have for you right now! Do you know some more useful game tips and strategies? Feel free to share them with us or if you want to share your friends ID, leave that down below in the comments section so everyone can see!
Published: Mar 9, 2020 05:51 pm