The puzzle game Furdemption, developed by Raresloth and now available in all regions, has only been released last month but the team is already at work on a big update which will introduce more content to this nice puzzle game.
The new Furdemption update will be called The Widow’s Den. The update will include new spider enemies who will get in your way by shooting poison, 40 new levels, Game Center leaderboards and more. The game is already filled with content and the new additions of the update will definitely make it even more enjoyable.
In Furdemption players are actually trapped in hell and have to find their way out and recover their wings by clearing puzzles, avoid dangerous hazards and more. To do so, players are able to use bombs to destroy obstacles, gather power-ups to obtain useful temporary buffs and more. The game is also going to keep you occupied for quite some time, as Furdemption features over 100 levels.
Furdemption is now available for purchase on the App Store. The game’s expansion called The Widow’s Den will be made available sometime during August and we will keep you updated on it as soon as possible so stay tuned for all the latest news.
Published: Jul 23, 2015 07:20 am