Once every blue moon, the nefarious Team GO Rocket emerges from the shadows and takes a more aggressive approach to corrupting Pokémon. The only thing that can stop them are courageous Pokémon Trainers, so here’s your chance to fight back in the Pokémon Go World of Wonders Taken Over event!
Similar to previous Pokémon Go events, this one includes a new Special Research, a shot at catching extremely rare Pokémon, and plenty of other goodies. Here’s everything you need to know about the Taken Over event.
Pokémon Go: World of Wonders Taken Over Event Detailed
From March 27 to 31, Team Rocket launches their full assault against the modern the Pokémon world. Take the fight to Team Rocket by defeating grunts and leaders, which culminates in an epic showdown with the Mr. Rocket himself, Giovanni, who has a new shadow Pokémon up his sleeve.
‘It’s a Rocket World’ Special Research & Shadow Groudon
The centerpiece of Taken Over is Shadow Groudon, appearing for the first time in Pokémon Go. This big guy is sure to shake up the PvP meta, so many competitive Trainers are ready to get their hands on one.
Once you log into Pokémon Go, the Special Research “It’s a Rocket World” is automatically added to your task list. This Special Research has five phases, and completing it nets you an encounter with Shadow Groudon.
- Phase 1: Catch 15 Pokémon, Purify 2 Shadow Pokémon, Defeat 3 Team GO Rocket Grunts
- Rewards: Pinap Berry x 5, Poké Ball x 10, Mysterious Component, 1,500 XP, Aipom Encounter
- Phase 2: Catch 20 Pokémon, Purify 5 Pokémon, Defeat 6 Team GO Rocket Grunts
- Rewards: Pinap Berry x 5, Great Ball x 10, Mysterious Component x 3, 2,000 XP, Misdreavus Encounter
- Phase 3: Defeat Team GO Rocket Leaders Arlo, Cliff, and Sierra
- Rewards: 10,000 XP, Super Rocket Radar
- Phase 4: Find the Team GO Rocket Boss, Battle the Team GO Rocket Boss, and Defeat the Team GO Rocket Boss
- Rewards: Max Potion x 10, Ultra Ball x 10, Max Revive x 6, 3,000 XP, Croagunk Encounter
- Phase 5: Claim Rewards
- Rewards: 13,500 XP, Silver Pinap Berry x 2
In order to find and battle the Team GO Rocket boss Giovanni, you must assembled the Super Rocket Radar, which you’ll get as you defeat the three leaders. Once you take down Giovanni, Shadow Groudon will appear!
You can claim the Special Research any time before June 1, 2024, which is when World of Wonders ends. Once claimed, there is no time limit on the Special Research, so you can take as long as you need.
Shadow Mewtwo Shadow Raids Return
During this weekend, on March 30 and 31, Shadow Mewtwo returns to Pokémon Go as a five-star shadow raid. For the shiny hunters out there, this Mewtwo has a chance to be shiny.
As you can probably guess, Shadow Mewtwo is extremely powerful, so make sure to bring your best Bug, Ghost, and Dark-type Pokémon.
Featured Egg Pokémon
During Taken Over, the following Pokémon can hatch from 12 KM eggs:
- Larvitar
- Sandile
- Pawniard
- Vullaby
- Deino
- Pancham
- Salandit
- Varoom
For the first time in Pokémon Go history, Trainers have a chance to hatch a shiny Sandile from these eggs, so be sure to get your steps in.
Featured Shadow Raids
The following Pokémon appear as challenging shadow raids during the event period:
- 1-Star Raids: Drowzee, Poliwag, Barboach, Foongus
- 3-Star Raids: Hitmontop, Wobbuffet, Sneasel
Shadow Drowzee, Poliwag, and Sneasel all have a chance to be shiny.
Featured Wild Pokémon
These Pokémon will show up in the wild at increased rates:
- Murkrow
- Sableye
- Purrloin
- Scraggy
- Inkay
- Zorua
- Vullaby
- Deino
All Pokémon on this list have a chance to be shiny, so do your best to catch everything you see!
New Free and Paid Timed Research
There’s a new free Timed Research task that is available to everyone, and it has the following tasks:
- Phase 1: Catch 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 Dark-type Pokémon. (This is useful for building a Dark team to use against Mewtwo.)
- Rewards: 7,500 XP, Hyper Potion x 5, Revive x 5, Vullaby Encounter
- Phase 2: Catch 6, 12 Shadow Pokémon and purify 6 of them.
- Rewards: Pinap Berry x 15, Max Potion x 5, Revive x 5, Pawniard Encounter
In addition to the free Timed Research that everyone gets, there’s also a paid option that costs 2 USD. “Chasing Team GO Rocket” focuses on defeating as many Team GO Rocket grunts as possible:
- Phase 1: Defeat 21 Team GO Rocket Grunts
- Rewards: Mysterious Component x 6, Super Incubator, Rocket Radar, Pawniard Encounter
Do note that both Timed Research tasks expired at the end of March 31, so only buy the paid one if you have the time to finish it all.
Miscellaneous Bonuses

- A new premium avatar pose features your Trainer tossing a Poké Ball around with attitude.
- Team Go Rocket grunts appear more frequently around PokéStops and in balloons.
- Shadow Pokémon caught during this event can have their Frustration charged attack removed by a Charged TM.
- Team Go Rocket grunts have new shadow Pokémon, including Pidgey, Darumaka, Gothita, and Solosis.
- There are new bundles in the in-game shop, like the event bundle and the Team GO Rocket bundle. These bundles include Rocket Radars, Premium Battle Passes, and more.
That covers just about everything important in the Pokémon Go World of Wonders Taken Over event. Now, get out there and take the fight to Team GO Rocket! If you have any other tips or questions about the Taken Over event, let us know in the comments below, and be sure to check out our other Pokémon Go guides.
Published: Mar 28, 2024 09:00 pm