After a very long wait, Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are finally available on Nintendo Switch worldwide, allowing players to revisit Sinnoh and experience it like they never did before.
It has been some time since the release of the original games, and the series has moved forward quite a bit, in terms of gameplay mechanics and quality of life features, so the remakes don’t take as long as the original games did to beat.
But exactly how long does it take to beat Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl? Let us find out.
How Long to Beat Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl?

The original Pokémon Diamond and Pearl required between 35 and 40 hours to beat, depending on the player’s knowledge of the Pokémon mechanics and of the two games in general. As Pokémon pretty much had to be leveled up individually, it took a long time for players to put together a team that could take down the Gym Leaders without too many issues.
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, on the other hand, feature many of the quality of life improvements seen in the most recent entries in the series, including EXP Share so the remakes did cut out some of the most tedious parts of the original, resulting in a shorter playtime for a story-only playthrough, which will take most players around 25, 30 hours.
Pokémon games, however, do not end when you take down the Elite Four and become the region’s best Pokémon trainer, and the same holds true for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Finding all Legendaries, exploring the Grand Underground, and finding all the Pokémon available in each game will increase the total playtime to around 65, 70 hours, which is a solid length for any role-playing game, let alone two Pokémon games based on older entries in the series.
Published: Nov 19, 2021 05:06 am