My Little Fish – My Underwater Friend is a cute little tamogatchi-like game where you raise a little fish friend. Play some fun minigames with her, cook up some delicious sandwiches for her to eat, and bathe her to keep her squeaky clean! We’ll help you become the best fish raiser with our My Little Fish – My Underwater Friend cheats, tips and tricks strategy guide!
1. Play games to get coins!
The best way to get coins in this game is to play the… games! The bottom room of your fish’s house is the playroom. Here you can play two minigames – a Fruit Ninja clone, or a lily pad hopping game. The better you do in these games, the more coins you can get. Even better, at the end you have the option of watching a short advertisement to double your coins. You can get a lot of coins by doing this!
2. Keep an eye on your fish’s needs!
At the overlook of the house, you can see the overall status of your fish. Each meter of the rooms represents your little fish’s hunger, boredom, and so forth. Be sure to keep all of the meters full. When a meter is completely empty, that’s an opportunity to make your fish happy and earn a lot of experience and coins.
3. Buy some gifts!
The only thing you can spend coins on are gifts from the gift shop. These gifts are just little doo-dads that spruce up your fish’s house, and you can even tap on some of them to play with them. In any of the rooms, tap on the star fish button at the top right to open up the gift shop. Have a little fun and play around with the gifts!
4. Ignore the bedroom and doctor rooms!
These two rooms are locked and unfortunately cannot be unlocked with coins. You need to purchase the full game in order to use these rooms, so you can just go ahead and ignore them. They’re not crucial to the development of your fish, so no worries!
5. Video-locked features stay unlocked until you leave!
In certain rooms, certain features will have a video clip icon next to them. In order to use the said feature, you need to watch a short advertisement. After the advertisement is over, you’ll be able to use that feature freely until you leave the room. Once you leave, the feature will relock and you will have to watch another advertisement.
Your little fish buddy is going to have a great life! If you have any other tips or strategies to share with us, leave a comment below.
Published: Jun 12, 2015 02:10 am