Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is a role-playing video game developed and published by Jam City under license from Portkey Games. The game is set in the Wizarding World and is based on the Harry Potter novels written by J.K. Rowling. Who doesn’t like Harry Potter?
The game was released for Android and iOS on April 25, 2018. Players praised its free-roam settings throughout Hogwarts with an underlying original plot looming in the background. There are a lot of entertaining features added in between the main story to make the game more engaging for players.
One of the fun activities in the game that was introduced was that of Dueling. Wizard Duels have been a part of the Harry Potter universe since the beginning of the books and movies. It was introduced as part of the Hogwarts Mystery game in 2019.
Dueling in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery works in a very simple way. Attacks are turn-based and follow a Rock-Paper-Scissors formula.
Attacks are divided into three types:
- Defensive
- Offensive
- Sneaky
The Rock-Paper-Scissors formula works in this mode of battling using each of the three types to the advantage of the other. It works like this:
- Defensive attacks beat Offensive attacks
- Offensive attacks beat Sneaky attacks
- Sneaky attacks beat Defensive attacks
If an attack-type has an advantage over the other, the advantageous attack type would be the only one that gets a chance to hit. The player with a disadvantageous attack type does not get to use their attack during that one turn.
If both players use the same attack type, a draw happens and the turn is skipped. This keeps going back and forth until one player is finally defeated and their HP runs out. This is a list of all of the known spells in the game and their attack type during duels.
List of all Spells and Types
Each spell has its own use in battle. The defensive spells are used to stun, stall, and heal. The offensive spells are primarily used to deal damage, either burst damage or damage-over-time. The sneaky spells focus more on damage-over-time and disables.


- Throw Vial: 10 DAMAGE

Wiggenweld Potion: 3 HEAL, plus 5 HEAL for 2 turns (+ High Empathy)

Episkey: 10 HEAL, 30% chance of 5 HEAL for 2 turns (+ High Empathy)

Petrificus Totalus: 5 DAMAGE, 10% chance of 2 stuns (+ High Knowledge)

Bombarda: 7 DAMAGE, 50% chance of 10 burn, 25% chance of 1 stun (+ High Courage)

Incarcerous: 5 DAMAGE, 40% chance of 1 stun / 20% chance of 2 stuns (+ High Empathy)

Bubble Spell: 10 DAMAGE, 40% chance of 1 stun / 15% chance of 2 stuns (+ High Courage)

Glacius: 13 HEAL, stops bleed and burn (+ High Knowledge)

Fulgari: 9 DAMAGE, 50% chance of 2 stuns / 10% of 4 stuns (+ High Empathy)

Meteolojinx: 11 DAMAGE, 30% chance of 1 stun (+ High Knowledge)

Bewitched Sleep: 6 DAMAGE, 50% chance of 1 stun / 30% chance of 2 stuns (+ High Knowledge)

Waddiwasi: 14 DAMAGE (+ High Empathy)

Slugulus Eructo: 7 DAMAGE, 90% chance of 3 bleed for 4 turns / 50% chance of 5 bleed for 1 turn (+ High Courage)

Levicorpus: 4 DAMAGE, 70% chance of 1 stun / 30% chance of 2 stuns (+ High Knowledge)

Brachiabindo: 5 bleed for 1 turn, 55% chance of 2 stuns / 40% chance of 5 bleed for 2 turns (+ High Knowledge)

Blood Replenishing Potion: 5 HEAL for 2 turns, 40% chance of 5 HEAL for 3 turns, stops bleed

Expelliarmus: 10 DAMAGE, 70% chance 1 stun (+ High Knowledge)

Incendio: 5 DAMAGE, 70% chance of 10 burn for 2 turns (+ High Courage)

Depulso: 15 DAMAGE (+ High Empathy)

Confringo: 5 DAMAGE, 10% chance of 2 stuns (+ High Empathy)

Stupefy: 3 DAMAGE, 40% chance of 1 stun / 20% chance of 2 stuns (+ High Knowledge)

Relashio: 2 DAMAGE, 65% chance of 1 stun / 40% chance of 2 stuns (+ High Empathy)

Fanged Frisbee: 10 DAMAGE, 30% chance of 3 bleed for 4 turns (+ High Empathy)

Stick Fast Hex: 3 DAMAGE, 65% chance of 3 stuns (+ High Knowledge)

Leek Jinx: 12 DAMAGE, 20% chance of 1 stun (+ High Courage)

Obscuro: 9 DAMAGE, 50% chance of 1 stun / 15% of 2 stuns (+ High Knowledge)

Bat-Bogey Hex: 9 DAMAGE, 30% chance of 1 stun (+ High Courage)

Anteoculatia: 8 DAMAGE, 3 burns for 4 turns (+ High Knowledge)

Pepper Breath: 10 DAMAGE, 40% chance of 1 stun / 30% chance of 2 stuns (+ High Courage)

Arrow Shooting: 13 DAMAGE, 65% chance of 3 bleed for 1 turn / 20% chance of 3 bleed for 3 turns (+ High Courage)

Vaulting Charm: 65% chance of 1 stun, 75% of 5 bleed for 4 turns

Blue Fire Spell: 5 DAMAGE, 10 burn / 65% chance of 10 burns for 2 turns (+ High Empathy)

Rictusempra: 5 DAMAGE, 30% chance of 1 stun (+ High Empathy)

Flipendo: 15 DAMAGE (+ High Courage)

Immobulus: 10 DAMAGE. 25% chance of 1 stun (+ High Knowledge)

Diffindo: 6 DAMAGE, 40% chance of 3 bleed for 8 turns (+ High Knowledge)

Impedimenta: 3 DAMAGE, 40% chance of 2 stuns (+ High Empathy)

Hot Air Charm: 2 DAMAGE, 10 burn for 2 turns, 20% chance of 1 stun (+ High Empathy)

Windy Spell: 13 DAMAGE, 15% chance of 3 stuns (+ High Knowledge)

Avifors: 15 DAMAGE (+ High Empathy)

Melofors Jinx: 9 DAMAGE, 30% chance of 1 stun (+ High Knowledge)

Giant Dungbomb: 5 DAMAGE, 55% chance of 5 bleed for 3 turns, 20% chance of 1 stun (+ High Empathy)

Ebublio Jinx: 6 DAMAGE, 50% chance of 1 stun / 30% chance of 2 stuns (+ High Knowledge)

Flagrante: 3 DAMAGE, 10 burns for 1 turn / 85% chance of 10 burns for 2 turns (+ High Courage)

Babbling Curse: 6 DAMAGE, 65% chance of 1 stun / 15% chance of 3 stuns (+ High Empathy)

Cantis: 6 DAMAGE, 65% chance of 1 stun / 30% chance of 2 stuns (+ High Empathy)

Pus Squirting Hex: 14 DAMAGE, 60% / 20% chance of 5 bleed (+ High Knowledge)
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Published: Dec 20, 2022 02:33 pm