The fans of Metroid Dread are curious about the Power Bomb Ability and how to unlock it. To understand where to search this item, please take a closer look at this picture. It will help you locate the Power Bomb:

This guide will fully cover how to unlock the Power Bomb Ability in Metroid Dread. Keep reading to know all the details and be in the loop!
Steps to Take To Unlock the Power Bomb Ability in Metroid Dread
So, you are searching for the ability to get the devastating powerbomb with a large blast radius. The upgrade type is Morph Ball. To locate it, please head to Hanubia. Find the location on the picture and proceed left:

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The next step is to get up to the location with the valve; with the help of the Morph Ball get to the narrow passage and beat the Autclast variant (in case this has not been done before):

Then you will need to go right in the narrow passage with the help of the Morph Ball directly after you destroy the Screw Attack Block:

So, after completing the previous steps, please go after the Red Chozo Soldier and open the Wave Beam Door. Thus, you will reach the following location:

Please come inside the EMMI Zone after the cutscene. Once here, please drop down and open the Wave Beam Door for entering the following location:

Have you already entered the Wave Door? Then you should be teleported to the boss room. It is the location where Samus wins the Red EMMI:

So, the next task will be to battle with the Red Chozo Soldier and win after he starts fighting with you. Have you won? Great! It means that the upgrade from the Red EMMI will be automatically assigned to you.
Follow these steps to obtain the desired Power Bomb Ability in Metroid Dread. We wish you good luck!
Published: Dec 18, 2021 05:30 am