Bamboo is the fastest growing plant in Minecraft, and has many uses. It can be burned and used for smelting or cooking, is fed to pandas to encourage them to breed, and as a building material. It is, as we have mentioned, a fast-growing plant, and it doesn’t need to be watered as it is growing. As it is such a useful plant to grow, it is a good idea to have a farm growing it for you automatically- meaning you won’t have to tend to the farm at all, just collect your bamboo whenever you need it!

Growing Bamboo
Bamboo can be grown on blocks of grass, dirt (including coarse dirt), gravel, mycelium, podzol, sand, and red sand. Each plant can grow at a rate of 1 every 204.8 seconds (4096 game ticks), and grows even better when bone meal is used on it.

It can grow 12-16 blocks tall as long as it has the right amounts of light (9 or above). To build an automatic bamboo farm in Minecraft all you will need is some bamboo, a torch, redstone, and iron to make pistons. Check out the video below to see how easy, quick, and cheap it is! They are seriously cost effective, with each module producing just over 100 bamboo an hour. The video shows how to build the structure with the components, and that you can even stack them as high as you like- YouTuber Navynexus created one with 24 stacked modules which produce 2,500 bamboo per hour! Amazing!
- Place down a double chest and hopper beside it
- Build eight blocks in a line beside the hopper
- Place nine dirt blocks on each side of the blocks
- Place 9 blocks, creating a small wall of 3×3 at the end of the row
- Do the same on the opposite end, leaving a 1-block hole for the bamboo to enter the hopper
- Add a water source to push the bamboo along the gutter into the hopper
- Build up the sides with solid blocks and pistons in formation as shown in the video
- Add your torches
- Add redstone dust at the top of the wall
- Place the bamboo on the dirt blocks
- Add fences along the centre of the guttering
- Place torches at the top of the centre fence to encourage the bamboo to grow at night
- Close off the very top module with solid blocks or add dirt to continue your vertical bamboo farm.
Good luck and happy farming!
Published: Dec 22, 2021 10:28 am