Related: Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Grand Underground: New Features
After you complete the main story in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, there is quite a lot of postgame content for you to explore. One of these is Ramanas Park, an area that opens up after you beat the Elite Four. This area is accessible by Surf on the route south of Sandgem Town. Here you can get legendary Pokemon who would normally only be available in areas outside Sinnoh. Ramanas Park makes getting them possible. However, they won’t be available right away, you have to get specific Legendary Slates in order to encounter each one. Here is how to get those Slates.
Note that to access Ramanas Park, you also need to complete the Sinnoh Pokedex which will then unlock the National Pokedex. Keep in mind you do not actually need to catch every Pokemon to complete the Sinnoh Dex, you just need to have seen them all in some form.
We will also go over how you can get the Slate that will allow you to access Giratina’s Origin Forme, as this a process that slightly deviates from the other Legendary encounters in Ramanas.
How To Buy Slates

Slates can be purchased in the lobby at Ramanas Park. When you walk in, there will be two women behind a counter to your left. The woman standing closer south to the wall is who sells the Slates. The Slates are purchased using a currency called Mysterious Shards. You can mine these in the Grand Underground. They come either as a Small Mysterious Shard or a Large Mysterious Shard. Each slate can be purchased for either three Small Mysterious Shards or one Large Mysterious Shard. It may not seem like much but keep in mind Mysterious Shards are quite rare to pull up in the mines.

How Slates Are Unlocked
If you have your heart set on catching one specific legendary in the park, keep in mind you will only be able to purchase Shards to catch Regice, Regirock, and Registeel at first. Do not worry though, as the more Legendary Pokemon you catch in the park, the more slates will become available for purchase.
Each Legendary will be at level 70, with the exception of Origin Forme Giratina, who will be at level 100. Bring plenty of Ultra Balls, Quick Balls, and Pokemon who can use moves like Sing. Make sure to save the game right before the encounter so that you can redo it in case you accidentally make it faint. This is also important if you are shiny hunting any. Make sure to also turn off the autosave.
A Word On Version Exclusives
Certain Legendaries in Ramanas are version exclusive, meaning you can only get certain ones in Brilliant Diamond and certain ones in Shining Pearl. If you want one that’s in another game, you’ll need to get it through trade. Therefore, you should look into the version exclusives before even purchasing the game. That way you can determine which Pokemon you want right away and which ones can wait for a trade.
Giratina’s Slate

In order to unlock this encounter, you’ll need to have already caught the regular Giratina. Eventually, the Distortion Slate will become available for you to purchase at Ramanas Park. With this, you will encounter a Giratina in its Altered Forme in the park. You will not be able to capture this one. Instead, you will receive an item called the Griseous Orb after beating it which you can use to change your Giratina’s form by giving it to them to hold.
All Slates Available
Each Slate has a different name depending on the Legendary it’s for. Here is every purchasable Slate below.
Slates Exclusive To Shining Pearl:
Kanto Slate – Moltres, Articuno, Zapdos
Squall Slate – Lugia
Slates Exclusive To Brilliant Diamond:
Johto Slate – Suicune, Entei, Raikou
Rainbow Slate – Ho-oh
Slates In Both Games:
Tectonic Slate – Groudon
Oceanic Slate – Kyogre
Soul Slate – Latios and Latias
Stratospheric Slate – Rayquaza
Discovery Slate – Regice, Regirock, Registeel
Genome Slate – Mewtwo
Distortion Slate – Giratina Altered Forme
Now you know that getting Slates is a straightfoward process. May you have good luck in your future Legendary encounters!
Published: Dec 17, 2021 11:48 pm