Gypsum is a special type of material in Amazon’s premiere MMORPG, New World. Gypsum can be used to craft unique items called Gypsum Orbs, which can then further be refined into unique equipment casts. Today, we’ll show you how to get Gypsum in New World with our Gypsum guide!
New World Gypsum Guide
Gypsum are special gems and minerals that are obtained through mostly endgame activities. Once you refine the Gypsum into Gypsum Orbs, you can then use them to craft Gypsum Casts.
There is a Gypsum Cast for every type of gear in the game, and when you use one, you will get a guaranteed Expertise bump for the corresponding gear, alongside new gear of that type. That’s why Gypsum Casts are important to work towards, as they’re one of the main ways of upgrading your Expertise stat.
There are eight types of Gypsum, each with their own ways of obtaining them. They are as follows:
- Topaz Gypsum (10): Dropped by hostile enemies that are level 55 and above. You must be under the effects of a Topaz Attunement Potion in order for the Topaz Gypsum to drop, which can be crafted at an Arcana Repository every 18 hours.
- Emerald Gypsum (1): Found inside Trade Skill Aptitude reward containers.
- Obsidian Gypsum (3): Dropped by open world named bosses that are level 60 and above.
- Ruby Gypsum (2): Obtained after completing an Outpost Rush Match.
- Amethyst Gypsum (7): Obtained after completing a major or minor Breach.
- Citrine Gypsum (1): Obtained after an Arena event.
- Diamond Gypsum (3): Obtained from special event activities.
- Sapphire Gypsum (2): Dropped from the final bosses of Lazarus Instrumentality and Garden of Genesis.

Related | How to Get Topaz Gypsum in New World
Each type of Gypsum can only be collected a certain amount of times in one day. The number in the parentheses next to each type of Gypsum shows you how many you can get in one day. In order to create the corresponding Gypsum Orb, you usually need a full day’s worth of Gypsum.
That concludes our guide on how to get Gypsum in New World. If you have any other questions about Gypsum, let us know in the comments below!
Published: Sep 28, 2022 03:28 pm