The Re: Zero event in Goddess of Victory: Nikke is in full swing, and the star is none other than the anime’s protagonist Emilia. Because of this, Emilia has been blessed to have not one, but two second outfit options for those on a budget and those who can splurge. Here’s how to get Emilia’s costumes in the Nikke Re Zero event.
How To Get Emilia’s outfits in Goddess of Victory Nikke
Emilia’s first outfit is an adorable casual skirt with a yellow top that feels perfect for a spring day outing. To get it, all you have to is complete the first part of the story in the event, which means clearing all 12 stages.
When you do these, make sure to use the event units to get the most rewards you can. Keep in mind that many of the stages are low level, so even if the units aren’t leveled, they should still be able to clear the stages. Once you’ve finished all of them, it’s time to claim the skin, which couldn’t be simpler.
First, go to the Nikke tab at the bottom of the screen. Find Emilia’s card in your roster and click on it.

Next, you’re going to go to a button in the upper left-hand corner of the screen that says View Mode.

Here, you’ll be able to view all the skin options available. To change Emilia’s outfit, click the one you want and press the Owned button at the bottom, which will then change to saying Equipped. You’re all set!

Emilia’s maid skin will take a little more work and wallet shilling to get because you have to get it from the Costume Gacha. On the main screen, there’s a little wheel at the bottom of all the buttons you’ll see. You can choose how many rolls you want to do depending on how lucky you feel. If you get it, just go back to Emilia’s View Mode and equip it.
Hopefully, this helped you out with how to equip outfits! For other Nikke advice, check out our other guides for tips.
Published: Mar 28, 2024 01:16 am