Being a full-fledged role-playing game, there will be times in Ruined King: A League of Legends Story when you will need to purchase items such as gear, potions, and enchanting ingredients.
Money can be a little tight, especially in the early games, but there is a very simple trick that will allow you to farm money easily. Here’s how it works.
How to Farm Money in Ruined King: A League of Legends Story

Farming money in Ruined King A League of Legends Story is extremely simple, as all you need are a few potions and a vendor that comes with the buyback mechanic, like the Blacksmith in Bilgewater. By using this trick properly (discovered by Professor Palmer), you will essentially get infinite money for all your purchasing needs.
Once you are ready, interact with any of these vendors, pick the sell items option, and sell all your potions except the most expensive one and the one you have the most units of. Press up on your left stick to increase the quantity to sell of the potion you have the most units of and then press the Y button to rearrange the items, which will make the game think you have way more units of the most expensive item than you actually do. Sell every remaining potion and you will have made a considerable profit.
To repeat the procedure, you only need to interact with the vendor again, browse their wares, go into the buyback tab and purchase one unit of the most expensive potion and the highest amount of the cheapest potion, go back into the sell menu, and repeat the trick described above.
By rinsing and repeating this procedure, you can get a huge amount of money in a very short amount of time. You can even use this glitch to get an infinite amount of healing potions, something that will essentially break the game’s difficulty. We suggest you do not do this, however, as Ruined King: A League of Legends Story is at its best when it is challenging!
Published: Nov 29, 2021 07:57 am