The “Renown of the Dragon Isles” quest in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is super short, and it feels like it’s no quest at all. It mostly serves as the introduction to the Dragon Isles Emissary storyline.
The required level for this quest is 68, and everything that you need to do can be completed in Valdrakken. Still, numerous players report issues with either starting or finishing this quest. If you’re experiencing some problems with the Renown of the Dragon Isles quest or just need a thorough walkthrough, here is all you need to know.
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How to complete the “Renown of the Dragon Isles” quest in WoW: Dragonflight
This quest comes from Alexstrasza the Life-Binder, who can be found at the top of The Seat of the Aspects. Just approach her, and she will give you the task to find and speak to Therazal, who is supposed to give you more information on who needs your help.
You can find Therazal in front of a fountain right at the foot of The Seat of the Aspects, so fly down and approach him. Initiate the conversation and mark the quest as completed—that’s all you need to do here.

Rewards for completing the “Renown of the Dragon Isles” quest in WoW: Dragonflight
When you finish this task, you receive:
- Gold x2
- Silver x80
- Copper x90
- Valdrakken Accord Reputation x4
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Solutions to problems with the “Renown of the Dragon Isles” quest in WoW: Dragonflight
If you’re having issues with starting this quest because the quest mark shows the Vault of the Incarnates location and Alexstrasza is not showing up, you should be able to fix it by flying to the top of The Seat of The Aspects and speaking with her there.
In case you cannot find Therazal, or he doesn’t give you the option to complete the quest, try one of these solutions:
- Log out and log back in, or leave the continent and come back;
- Make sure to complete the quest “To Dragonbane Keep!” first, then come back to Therazal.
Let us know if this guide helped you finish “Renown of the Dragon Isles” in the comments below. In case you need help with other quests, check out more guides in the WoW: Dragonflight section.
Published: Dec 14, 2022 10:27 am