In our article today we are going to cover all of the Hero Emblem tips and cheats to help you build a stronger team and to pass on more stages and claim plenty rewards!
This game has a little bit of everything: gacha, battles, a simple idle system and strategy, all in one game! So if you are looking to learn what to do a specific task or how to get stronger in particular, then you came to the right place! Because that is exactly what we’re going to focus on in today’s guide!
So without further ado, let us not waste another second and dive right into the Hero Emblem tips and tricks right here below to become more powerful and get some stronger heroes for your team!
Go complete your tasks ASAP
There will be some more important tasks that you should go do as soon as you start playing, because these are going to ask you to do not only fights, but also various upgrades and whatnot in order to get stronger.
You can find the tasks in the bottom left side of the screen, and all you need to do is tap on the task to be taken to where or what you need to do. It is best if you do them 1 by 1 as the game asks you to, because that way you can keep track of everything.
Of course, you can also go ahead of the tasks and do any upgrades that you want at your own pace, because they will still count. But in case you are not sure what to do next, you can just feel free to follow the game’s tasks.

My suggestion here:
I don’t always like to follow the game’s suggestions and tasks, because I like to do everything as soon as I see there is something that I can work on / upgrade. You can spot these by the small red circles in the top right of the icons.
Whenever you see this, it means that there is an upgrade you can make, so if you want to do things at your own pace, and just follow the tasks from time to time, then it’s an option too! Try everything out and choose whichever you like the most!
Make your daily wishes!
Every single day you can make several wishes. They will give you Gold, EXP and sometimes other useful items such as boxes which contain goods. I suggest that you do them whenever you can and they are available because they will help boost your level quite a bit, and give you tons of Gold!
They will replenish after a while, so don’t forget to check back and wish again whenever it you can do it again, because it will help you with EXP and getting more Gold is always a good idea!
Get more Heroes
You can unlock more heroes in the game by going to the Summon button and you can choose between the two options there: Normal summon or the SSR Hero Summon. The Normal Summon can be done by using in game items, which you obtain for free, but hte SSR Hero Summon will cost you Gems to summon.
The best thing you could do is always do the 10x summon because there you will get guaranteed at least a SR hero, so it is definitely the better option. Well, you can also go 1 by 1, because the progress will add up, so whenever you get some extra Gems, go ahead and try to get a new hero.
There is a maximum of 5 heroes that you can have on your team, but they will not all be available from the very beginning. As you keep unlocking more hero slots, you will be able to add more and more. So keep on doing so and place in your best heroes in at all times because they will give you the most BP boost.

How to unlock more heroes slots?
This is pretty simple: all that you need to do is to constantly level up and you will unlock more hero slots (slow and steady). You will unlock the fourth hero slot at level 20 and the fifth one at level 30. So just advance and gather more EXP, and you will soon have 5 heroes.
Always enhance your heroes
You should always make sure that your heroes are upgraded to the maximum possible level and that they are always wearing the best armors. You can do the following to upgrade your heroes and boost the CP of your team by a lot:
– Choose the right heroes: You should always choose the best heroes that you can for the team. By this, I mean that you should always pick the SSR heroes for your team first, then pick SR, and then if you don’t have enough SR/SSR to fill the team, pick a R hero until you can replace it.
– Always equip the best gear to the best hero first: This should go without saying, but still make sure that you do it because it’s better if your best hero has the best gear, because they will get a bigger BP boost than if you gave those gears to a lesser hero.
– Level up the heroes to max every time you upgrade your character level: For each level that your character has (profile level) you can upgrade the heroes for the same level. So it is best that every time you level up, you go and also level up your charcaters to the same level.
– Boost the heroes: Heroes can be boosted by using a ton of Gold and other heroes to give them a stats % boost. Do this whenever you can because the stats % will increase for each boost, and some SR heroes can get some super strong stats and they are much easier to boost than the SSR heroes.

– Upgrade the heroes’ skills: Just like leveling the characters works, the same system applies to the heroes’ skills. They can be upgraded to a maximum level which is equal to the profile level, so don’t forget to do this every time you level up.
Also, the more you level up the more skills you will unlock for the heroes. At level 1 heroes start with 1 skill unlocked, then you will be able to unlock their second at profile level 40, then the last skill at profile level 60.
– Enhance your heroes’ gear: Your heroes can have their equipment enhanced, which will also give the heroes some BP boost. Make sure that if you are low on funds, you start by enhancing the gears of the strongest heroes, then move on to the others.
Claim your online prizes
You will receive some random prizes placed in a lotto for spending several minutes online in the game. I suggest that you claim them as soon as you have met the requirements because after you claimed them rewards, you can start the timer for the next online rewards.
Rally for more heroes
When you head on to the Noblesse tab in the bottom side of the screen you will be able to claim several rewards for completing some certain tasks down there. Make sure that you do it and claim these rewards ebcause they will give you Gems which you can use to get more heroes or equipment.
Now once you did that, you can go and in the second tab from the top you can see the Rally button. Whenever you have enough FP points you can choose to rally for a new SSR hero. There is a chance that you will get that hero. There is a chance meter which shows you how many chances you have at getting it. So try to get them before they leave, because the heroes change every several hours.

Fight in the Zen Tower for good rewards
The Zen Tower is basically an “endless” tower, which has a lot of levels that get increasingly more difficult. I suggest that if you want to get many Gems early on for summoning more heroes, then you should try to pass as many levels as you can at the beginning. Then, once you have summoned and upgraded heroes more, you can continue.
You can try to advance as much as you can first, then once you cannot go any further you try and upgrade heroes more and try again. Do this because the more you advance through, the better the rewards will get.
Claim your heroes chests
Whenever you obtain a new hero, you will have a chance to get a good hero which belongs to a “team”. Head on to the Favored Teams tab in the right side of the screen and there you can see what chests you can claim depending on which heroes you got.
Make sure that you claim all of the boxes because they will give you stones to perform more summons!

These would be all of our Hero Emblem tips and tricks that we have for you right now! Do you know some more useful game tips and have some strategies of your own? Feel free to share them with us down in the comments section below!
Published: Feb 17, 2020 02:53 pm