After completing all missions in Portland Island, you’ll now be able to go to the next city which is Staunton Island where you’ll embark on a entirely new adventure and complete challenging missions.
Amongst the many missions you’ll be tasked with in Staunton Island, ‘Silence the Sneak’ is one of the most tricky. It’s not exactly a difficult mission but it has a tricky completion process that will take many players hours, even days to complete.

So in this article we’ll be showing you how to find the witness protection house in the ‘Silence the Sneak Mission’ and complete it with very little stress.

After you’ve received the mission brief, you’ll be required to head to the witness protection house and try to force out the witness by aiming at an open window and throwing a grenade into his apartment.

The witness protection house is located at New Port. In order to get there you’ll have to head past New Port and make your way past Fort Staunton and go through the road on your left.

It’ll seem like the house is at the first floor of the building but it’s not. Simply drive to your left and you’ll be asked to force him out. After aiming at the window, the witness will try to escape with a car, you’ll be required to chase him and kill him on the run in order to complete the mission.

It is advised that you drive to the witness protection house with a fast vehicle so that if it comes to chasing the witness through town, you’ll have no problem catching up with him.
Below is a map of GTA 3 and we’ve highlighted the witness protection house with a green dot to give you a better description and show you the specific location of the witness protection house.

Published: Nov 20, 2021 10:57 am