Genshin Impact is a role-playing game that categorizes its playable characters and gears in terms of stars. For playable characters, we have two categories, one with 4-star(common) and 5-star(rare). Despite all the categorization the game offers, building a party is subjective to players. Some 4-star characters and weapons are better than 5-star ones. Today I am going to share my best 4-Star Genshin Impact team that you all can try.
Best 4-Star Characters Team in Genshin Impact

Note: This team can use 6/9 elemental reactions and are heavy damage dealers. Also, this team is based on personal opinion and in-game experience. Please share your best 4-Star characters team in the comments down below.

Fischl is a lightning element user and one of the best DPS character in Genshin Impact. She wields a bow that is quick and deals a lot of damage. At current, Fischl is the most broken playable character in Genshin Impact. If you equip Fischl with good artifacts and get her constellation at max level, she becomes unstoppable.
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In Genshin Impact, Fischl is one of the most versatile playable characters. She is good at both long and short-range. If players equip her with bows like “The Stringless” or “Rust” she becomes quite an overpowered character.

Barbara is a healer that every Genshin Impact F2P player must-have. She not only heal the wounds of all party members. But, she also heals the wounds of us as players. Players can redeem barbara for free once they reach adventure rank 20 or above.
Barbara uses the Hydro element and, she is a very good all-round character. Players can use Barbara’s attacks/hydro-element to perform many elemental reactions in Genshin Impact that deals a lot of damage.

Chongyun is one of the best cryo users in Genshin Impact. His attacks are best when dealing with AoE damage. Chongyun is a heavy weapon user that is leaned more towards team play. His elemental skill and passive abilities make characters like Xiangling more effective DPS.
There are only two 4-Star playable “cryo” users in Genshin Impact. Chongyun and Kaeya, both of them offer a good set of elemental skills. However, I prefer Chongyun more, especially when players have unlocked his constellations.

Xiangling is a pyro element uses that uses spears/polearms as a choice of weapon. I use her and Fischl as my main DPS characters. Combined with playable characters like Chongyun, Barbara and Fischl, Xiangling helps to create some of the best elemental reactions of Genshin Impact.
Also Read: Genshin Impact All Promo Codes and How to Redeem Them
Published: Oct 13, 2020 01:20 pm