The highly successful hack and slash game Infinity Blade 3 will get its first expansion pack later this week. And what’s better than a free expansion pack? Very few things, I suppose.
Details on the contents of this new expansion pack are scarce at the moment. A brief teaser trailer has been released today, showcasing some of the new enemies, locations and weapons. Included in the new expansion pack should also be some massive monsters that will require quite a bit of power to take down.
Infinity Blade 3 is the natural evolution of the franchise. The usual hack and slash formula has been made bigger and better by Chair Entertainment. The adventure is now bigger then ever, with players having to go on a huge adventure, set in a big world full of dangers.
Unlike previous entries of the series, Infinity Blade 3 will require a good amount of grinding to move forward in the game. Death is always behind the corner so even the most expert of adventurers would do well in moving carefully from one location to the next. For the rest it’s really the perfect evolution of the series’ gameplay formula, something that should make both fans of the series and hack and slash enthusiasts quite happy.
Infinity Blade 3 is now available for purchase on the App Store, together with the first and second game of the series. Stay tuned for more details on this DLC, as Chair will unveil all the details tomorrow.
Published: Oct 29, 2013 01:01 pm