If you’re thinking about over the top greatness, then Sega’s Fist of the North Star: Legends Revive is the game you want to play. Mixing solid card-collecting RPG mechanics with the FotNS lore, this game is absolutely brilliant.
But there are also a ton of things to do in it and we’re here to help you make the best choice and play a better game thanks to our Fist of the North Star: Legends Revive tips and cheats in the complete guide below.
There are tons of things to consider and even more to things to do, so if you want to make sure that you’ll progress faster than the rest, unlock all the content quickly and build a solid team, read on our Fist of the North Star: Legends Revive tips and tricks.
Unlock those characters!
Your main goal is to unlock as many characters as possible, in order to have access to the best of the best to create your ideal team.

Although you will generally have to pay in order to get pulls for characters, the game rewards you with a ton of free pulls early on if you are just active and collect your rewards.
Just hours after starting my game I had already made 25+ pulls and I had a ton of heroes to choose from. I didn’t get the best 4-star character available (I got Jackal) but even so, I still haven’t hit the wall yet.
But even without Gacha pulls, you still have options when it comes to unlocking those characters: from completing special events to getting to a certain point in the main story and grinding on past missions.. you have a ton of opportunities to get all fighters in Fist of the North Star: Legends Revive so make sure you take advantage of them all.
How to win your battles
Since winning battle is what matters the most in the game, in the end, I’m going to jump straight tho this with some advice before moving to other things. But do read the other bits of advice, as some will still be related to this very generic “how to win fights” topic.
First of all, always make sure that you choose the best team you have available from the characters you have unlocked. We have shared a list of characters already and we’ll soon have a tier list published to make it easier for you to choose them. But until then, use what you like the most.
Second, make sure that you place your fighters correctly on the field. Normally, you have the tanky characters (those with more health) in the front row since they usually are the first to receive damage, and the damage dealers with less health at the back. This is a good strategy to follow.

Finally, always keep an eye on the order of your attacks. You can trigger combos during the fights and doing so increases the damage your Fighters deal.
Since the value of the combos increases over time, it’s a good idea to always keep your best fighter (the one that deals most damage) to attack last. This way, you will maximize the damage they’re dealing thanks to the maximum boost received from the combos.
In order to attack with specific characters, make sure to tap their portray during battles, when the combo minigame begins. If you simply tap the screen and not the portray of the fighter you want to attack with, the game will select a fighter for you and it’s not always as good as you can be at planning this.
Optimize attacks for the final wave
This is also part of the generic “how to win battles”, but I felt that it needed a chapter of its own.
An important bit of strategy that can take you a long way is doing a bit of planning with your order of attacks. We’re going beyond simply keeping your best fighter to attack last and instead we’re starting to consider their Specials and Secret movies.
While things are easy with secret moves and you can trigger them whenever you feel (but before you start the combo attacks), the Specials require a bit more attention because you might end up being forced to use them if your other fighters won’t defeat the enemies before the one with the Special activate attacks.

Basically, with Special attacks things change and you are better off keeping your fighters with Specials active to attack last, as they become the top damage dealers.
Ideally, you should keep them for the final wave (if there are more waves in the game mode you are playing) as that’s the more difficult one. But always plan ahead and use these super strong moves at the right time!
Problems with the combo trigger? You can change how it works!
Another important things for you to try out is changing the way the combo trigger works. You don’t have just the option of those 7 stars from the game, you have two other options, actually, as seen in the screenshot below:

In order to get to select how the combo trigger works, hit the pause button during a fight and select Hokuto Action, Ring Action or Gauge Action. Then simply try them all out and see which one is making it easier for you to hit the Excellents.
Know your fighters well!
You only have a team of six out of all the characters available in the game, so make sure you know exactly what they do.
The most important things you should know is how their Specials and Secret Attacks work: some will deal damage to the front row, some will deal damage to the back row, some to all enemies and some to just one.
There are also different boosts and debuffs they can make. In other words, things that can be extremely useful if used at the right time, or a complete waste of potential if used randomly.
So know exactly what skills your team’s fighters have and use them at the right time in order to get a complete advantage in battle.
Grind for rewards depending on the items you need
Put your energy to good use early on, either for getting items you need to upgrade your main fighters or for getting shards to Star them up.
The Clash missions will give you options for more important items or shards, while the main story missions will have less impressive rewards – but in the end, it all depends on what items you need.

The best part is that once you complete a story mission or a clash mission with three stars, you can “Skip” it: grab the rewards without actually going through the battle. Do this over and over again, skipping battles to speed up your progress.
If you’re farming for character shards, though, make sure that you’re actually focusing on one of the characters you’re going to use long terms. The early chapters don’t reward you with shards for the best fighters in Fist of the North Star: Legends Revive, but in the end your preferences matter the most and also what characters you have unlocked.
Collect your story chests!
Whenever you complete a chapter (be it in the main story or in Clash) by getting three stars in all stages, you will unlock a special reward – a chest with precious items inside it.
But the game automatically takes you to the next Chapter once you complete one – make sure you just come back and actually collect your reward!
You can skip arena battles!
When fighting in the Arena, you can actually skip those battles and quickly grab that victory and save yourself some time.
In order to skip an Arena battle, you do have to actually start the fight, but once there, simply tap the “Skip” button to the left and you get the result instantly.

Add friends for maximum stamina
You can add 100 friends in FotNS: Legends Revive and I recommend you to max them out and constantly remove inactive ones, adding people who are active.
You don’t actually need to have real life friends playing the game: you can simply add random people recommended by the game itself, from the main menu.
The best thing about friends is that each of them can send you 2 energy for free each day. Collect all that energy (there’s a limit of collecting from 50 friends… or something like that) and make sure to send energy to your friends on a daily basis!
Join an active guild
Being part of a guild in Fist of the North Star: Legends Revive is extremely important and as soon as you join it’s almost like starting a brand new game. There’s ton of rewards for you to win there and even though a bit time consuming, all those options that you have in the game should be completed on a daily basis.
Start by Cheering in the Training Grounds (fastest thing to do), grab the Supplies, then donate the maximum amount of coins in the Facilty donations, grab the rewards in Amiba’s Research and test your endless running skills in Fang Clan Chase.
Here are a few tips for the final two:
Amiba’s Research: whenever you get two hits, I recommend using 2-3 extra tries to maximize rewards. Then play until the final round and use your remaining 2-3 additional tries for maxing out rewards.
Fang Clan Chase: Mastering the jumps is the most difficult thing in my opinion here, but you will do it eventually – the trick is to jump when you’re very, very close to the obstacle. Apart from that, make sure that you’re always on the lane that gives you 2x the rewards (the items are glowing so it’s easy to identify them from a distance).

Keep an eye on all the shops for character shards
There are different types of shops available in Fist of the North Star: Legends Revive – places where you can spend currency earned in various ways to get character shards, items you need and much more.
Keep an eye on those shops (especially the Black Market which randomly opens as you perform actions in the game) and don’t hesitate to buy items that you need from there. The currency you get from the Guild or Trials and so on can’t be spent on anything else anyway!
Don’t forget to check your items!
When you complete battles and especially certain events or reach specific milestones, you earn all sort of items as a reward. I rarely tap on all of them to see what they do, so imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon the “Items” button in the main menu.
There are all sort of consumables that you have there that you can use to get some instant goodies in the game, from extra stamina to items that you sell for coins and other stuff. Make sure to check out the items every now and then and use them!

Keep your main Fighters in top shape
When it comes to your fighters, there are so many things that you can upgrade that it’s easy to forget about them or simply ignore them. But you should never do that if you want to have the strongest team available at all times.
Apart from the obvious thing like always keeping your top fighters to their maximum level (which is equal to your own level), you also have the Skill Level Up option and the Equipment option.
Both of these can be easily overlooked and can seem a bit too much to handle at first. But nevertheless, invest in them constantly to max out your characters – actually, make it a habit to always start the game by investing all the available Skill Up Points as you only have 20 of them (but they replenish over time).
If you do this, after completing some other in-game tasks, the skill points fill up and you can use them again. Rinse and repeat because those small bonuses (which are also really cheap to upgrade early on) will make a massive difference in the long run.
Complete the daily missions
I started experimenting with playing the game like this: I tap the “Missions” button and from there I select all the daily missions and complete them one after the other. I do the faster ones first (like completing a set amount of story or clash missions) and then move on to the more time consuming ones.
But if you complete the missions each day, you level up faster, cover all the important aspects in the game and get rewards for doing that. It’s a big win!
See a white dove? Tap it!
Every now and then, a white dove will fly around on the main screen. If you see it, tap it and you get a chance for some extra rewards!

Rule the Colosseum
The Dojo is where you pit your team against other players for massive rewards and personal glory. Always use at least all the 5 daily attempts there and beat as many opponents as possible.
But even if you end up at the top of the ranks (hint: use the free refreshes as you might find weaker players!), keep fighting because the rewards for taking part in a battle are worth it.
Winning in the Colosseum is relatively straightforward: pick the players with less power and you’re all set. But you can actually win against some higher power players if you have your team set up correctly and you also have a bit of luck.
The thing is that your team will always attack first: if you manage to take out an enemy (or two) before they do, you usually get the upper hand and even though they have overall more power, you can still defeat them. So don’t be discouraged if the opponent is slightly more powerful than you are!
Don’t forget about the Challenges
The most fun challenge in the game is, in my opinion, the Trial of Nanto, a place where you pit your entire roster of fighters against increasingly difficult enemies, but also have to strategize a lot.
Since each new floor you get to will not reset the damage (or Chi accumulation) of your heroes, things get a lot more challenging and are very interesting. You have to do a lot of planning, use the Secret attacks at the right time, get upgrades by micromanaging your points… it’s all extremely fun.
Since this guide is getting a bit too long, I won’t insist too much with the strategy for the Trial of Nanto, but I would still say that you should never ever play it on auto, always try to use as few Secret or Special moves as possible each stage and get as far as possible in top shape. Remember that this is a marathon, so you don’t only plan to win the current wave, you plan to win the next 5 as well!
The other challenge that you should complete daily is the much easier Daily Events, like the Bandit Assault, Food Scavenge, Boulder Bash and so on. Play these all to make progress through the game easier.
This would be our guide for Fist of the North Star: Legends Revive. We will soon publish more guides dedicated to the more complex parts of the game, but until then, if you have additional tips and tricks to share, don’t hesitate to let us know in the comment section below.
Published: Sep 7, 2019 07:16 pm