Era of Heroes is a brand new card collecting RPG game that has just been launched on the App Store. I have to admit that I played the game for 30 minutes and I was still not very sure of what was going all there – with all the names that I couldn’t remember and the action that I couldn’t follow, but somehow I kept playing because I wanted to get further, I wanted to improve my heroes and have the best possible heroes in my formation. So I’ve decided to help you get the most out of this game by sharing some Era of Heroes cheats, tips and strategies to ace all stages and have the most possible fun playing the game.
So let’s not waste a single second: there’s a lot to talk about in Era of Heroes, so let’s check out the tips and tricks below!
1. Don’t forget to level up your heroes
Early on, I thought that all heroes get experience and level up while playing the missions, which is not true. So make sure to level them up individually and max level them as soon as possible. Don’t use the auto fill option at all times because you might waste cards (the game doesn’t care about max level and will add the maximum amount of cards, even though your heroes can’t get past a specific level). Use the autofill once, then manually increase your heroes’ level all the way to the maximum level.
2. Replay stages
There are two reasons why you might want to play the same stages over and over again: the first, and most important, is to get specific bits of equipment or items required for the advancement of your heroes. Check out the Reward list on any stage and replay those that could offer you the items that you need. Ideally, go for the stages that have fewer items on the list – and all of those needed by you. If only one in 5 possible rewards is what you need, you might have a harder time to get it!
Also, you should replay the boss battle sages to get the War Souls required for enhancing your heroes even further and unlocking brand new, top heroes. Have in mind that you can only replay boss stages 5 times per day and regular stages 10 times per day – so plan your moves accordingly, especially since you don’t have unlimited energy either!
3. Take advantage of the Skip and Auto Battle options
Once you complete a stage, when you replay it, you can tap the Skip button in the lower right corner to fast forward it. You have to do so with every stage during a battle, but it’s still a lot faster than going through each stage, even at top sped. Next, once you reach level 30, you can auto play battles more than once from the battle menu – and that’s the thing you should use for replaying the stages for equipment and other loot.
4. Plunder is your friend
Requiring just 2 stamina, plunder is extremely useful: choose the easy targets and you will get your rewards in no time. Use the loot options to get the greatest weapons available as well as pets for your heroes and increased states. You’ve got to love the Plunder and keep on playing if you want to improve your stats!
5. Level up all Equipment
Just like your heroes, equipment can be upgraded, as well as pets. Personally, I would suggest to upgrade all equipment that you get – it will be some time before you will get that much equipment to be picky, but first you will find it difficult to fill all your heroes’ spots, so don’t worry about spending on upgrading low equipment. Use the Fast Equip option for all your heroes, then start upgrading all the way to level 10 on your first hero. Then play a few battles and use the Fast Quip again on your remaining heroes (to add any extra equipment you might have won). Upgrade everything all the way to level 10 on your second hero and then keep on doing this.
6. Collect all the rewards
There are tons of rewards that you can collect in this game: from daily rewards to online rewards (offered for being in the game for X minutes) to free hero recruits and more. Make sure that you check out everything that has an exclamation mark, a red dot or something similar and collect all the rewards – they can all be used to improve your heroes and therefore your chances at winning.
This would be it for now! If you have other Era of Heroes tips and tricks, don’t hesitate to let us know by commenting below!
Published: Sep 18, 2015 07:45 am