DogLife is a simulation text game from the makers of BitLife. Much like the human version of the game, Candywriter has added a whole list of achievements to try and complete while playing. Some of them require simple events happening in-game, while others need you to complete a mini-game to win the achievement. The Iatrophobia Achievement is one of those quick mini-game adventures. Find out below what it entails.
How to Escape the Vet’s Office in DogLife
Sometimes you will get sick in DogLife and require medical attention. If you have humans who care for you, they will take you to the vet for treatment. Generally, you will be taken to the vet by a good owner just for a check-up, but you can take steps to increase your chances of being taken there. To be guaranteed a vet visit, you could do a variety of things that may cause you harm, such as: getting into fights, eating garbage, licking or eating things you shouldn’t, or taking drugs left around by humans.
If you have the Top Dog add-on, you can customize the attributes to make sure your health is as low as possible. You can also make sure you are a house dog with good owners, giving you a better chance of being taken to the vet.

If your human, or a kind animal shelter owner, is taking you somewhere in the car, you should cooperate and not try to run away. There is a chance they will be taking you to the vet’s office, and once you arrive, then that is your chance to run away. When you choose the option to run away, a little mini-game will pop up.

Before tapping the screen to start the game, just take notice of where the exit sign is as well as where the vet is (there could be more than one!) They will move around the map to try and catch you—you must use directional swipes to avoid them and get to the exit door to escape. If they get near you, they will catch you and your escape will be thwarted!
Good luck!
Published: Nov 5, 2021 11:18 am