The third game in the Cheating Tom series has been launched recently by Crazy Labs. Cheating Tom 3 brings the same no gooder back into the spotlight and we once again have to help him (or her) out. Passing exams is not easy, but definitely not as difficult as it is in real life. And we’re making it a lot easier for you with our Cheating Tom 3 tips and cheats: a complete strategy game to beat the game.
There are power-ups and other things to deal with and we’ve got them all covered here. So let’s not waste a single second and let’s check out below Touch Tap Play’s Cheating Tom 3 cheats and tips for A+ grades!
1. Take advantage of the free distractions
I found out that in order to get the A+ rating, especially early on when your skills are not upgraded a lot, you will need to use the power-ups that distract the teachers as often as possible. You start with three, but you also get free ones every now and then which are offered if you watch a short ad. My recommendation is to do that because they will greatly increase your chances, by keeping the teacher busy for a while
2. Watch ads to continue
Another ad-related things. If you are close to reaching your objective or close to getting that A+ you’ve been trying to get, take the offer of watching a free ad to get 15 more seconds. This works both when you were caught by a teacher and when you run out of time. Don’t always do this as the number of ads you can watch per day is limited.
3. Boost the… boosters
One of the best things to spend your hard earned coins on is boosting the power-ups that appear when you play a level. These will randomly pop, but focusing on those that you like the most (upgrading them first) is a must. I personally try to upgrade them all to the same level before moving to a new one, and this is the order I prefer: Invisibility, Super Tom, Time Freeze, Buster and Cheating Goggles.
4. Connect to Facebook
If you connect your game with your Facebook account, you receive a free costume that helps you earn more coins. It seems that if you wait for the pop-up offer to connect to Facebook and accept it, you get a boost of 150%, but even if you decline, you can still get a boost, even though smaller: 50%. My advice? Take the offer when it pops and if you already ignored it, take the loss and grab the costume for the lower bonus.
5. How to cheat from others
The students you cheat from seems to matter a lot in the game. Although I am not 100% sure about this, I believe that each student will give you a different boost to your grade. But for sure the faster ones are better than the slower ones because they are easier to handle. So make sure to go for those first and use them as often as possible. Just make sure that you don’t overdo it: when they get to red and an angry face, they will instantly alert the teacher and you’ll get caught!
Next, choose students that give you a boost in grade score (they have an x2 when you start cheating from them and they usually move places when you’re done) and finally, try to prevent all of them from leaving, even if the requirements for mastering the level don’t ask that from you specifically: less kids to cheat from means it will be a lot more difficult for you to master a stage.
6. Keep an eye on the teacher
This is pretty obvious, but still has to be done: keep an eye on the teacher and when they start looking at the class, make sure that you know how their vision beam will work. On some occasions, you will still be able to move and cheat from students even when they’re still checking out the class. But usually it’s better to play it safe than risk getting caught, so be patient and always be on the lookout for the exclamation mark that announces the teacher’s intention of looking at the class.
7. Get new costumes
Costumes are pretty expensive, but they can offer a great value as well. You unlock the Smooth Charmer early in the game and it’s a good costume since it gives you more seconds for Super Tom, which is one of the best power-ups in the game. The other great costumes are Egyp’Tom (2 extra seconds to invisibility), Tomb Raider (2 extra seconds to ALL powerups), Fat Burner (5 extra seconds in Rush Levels).
However, I would suggest focusing on boosting the power-ups first, then starting to pile up cash for the costumes as they are extremely expensive.
8. Return to previous classes
…and replay levels. Even the levels that you have already mastered can be replayed to make some extra money. It all depends on the coin bonuses you get from the students (and that won’t be a lot – another reason to get the Facebook costume). But replaying levels you were not able to master makes even more sense because you get even more in terms of coins – just make sure to replay them after you upgrade your boosters a bit in order to have better chances at completing them.
However, returning to previous stages might even unlock new levels for you. For example, chances are that you move from the Biology to the History class as soon as you get your hat, but you will still have 10 levels to complete there. Make sure that you return and complete those as they mean a ton more coins for you!
These would be our tips and tricks for Cheating Tom 3. If you have other strategies that fellow players might find useful, don’t hesitate to share them in the comment section below.
Published: Apr 13, 2017 10:38 am