In today’s article we are going to check out all of the Cat Simulator 2020 tips and cheats to help you become a better cat and live the purrfect life of a house cat!
From creating your own cat family to defending the property from pests, you will basically live the worry-free, fun, and fuzzy life of a house cat with all the fun features that come along with it. So if you are looking to enjoy this game to the utmost extent, then you came to the right place to learn all about it!
So let’s not waste another second and dive right into the Cat Simulator 2020 tips and tricks right here below and teach you everything that you need to know about the game!

Watch your meters all the time
Your cat character will have 3 main meters that affect your well-being and make it easier (or harder) to survive. There are the following:
– Health: This is the overall well-being of the cat. Try to stay healthy by eating and drinking water constantly, resting and playing and keeping the Health as high as possible. When health drops to 0, your cat will die and you will have to start over.
– Food: This is the meter that tells you when you need to feed. I would suggest that you always try to stay above 85% because that is the limit that I prefer to keep.
– Water: The Water meter will have 5 drops, and if you want to stay healthy you should always try to stay above 3 drops. Anything between 3-5 drops is good, but don’t go underneath because that will not really benefit you.
Destroy all pests
Make sure that you always destroy the pests that show up on your territory because that way you are getting extra EXP that will help you level up. You can destroy the “invaders” on your own, or you can wait until a quest asks you to fetch a certain pest.
Once you destroyed something, you can choose whether or not you want to ear it or not. You can eat the mice and eggs that you find, but I strongly advise against eating everything that you find because some of the stuff might not be so good for you.
Use the map to help you locate
You might think that the map is not really going to help with anything, but you couldn’t be more wrong. The minimap will help you locate many features, especially when you are far away from the farm.
Make sure that you always use the map to help you find certain pests and NPCs because they will always stick around the same areas. You can try to check out the map when you reach certain locations (for example when you are next to a raccoon, bunny and so on). Then, remember where they are, around what areas, and once a quest asks you to kill something, head on to that area.
Get free rewards
In the left side of the screen you will see a window that offers you to watch an advertisement to receive EXP and Coins. This will help you level up faster, so make sure that if you have the time, take that time and receive these rewards because they will come in handy.

Low on HP? Wait a little
You know how cats are renown for their ability to heal super fast? Well that’s pretty accurate. The cat will lose HP as you keep attacking enemies, but if you want to take on multiple enemies, you should try to wait a little bit between kills.
Your cat will restore Health slowly on its own, but not Water and Food levels. Only Health! At the beginning, taking on a small mouse can even take down as much as 40%-50% of your HP, so try to not adventure into too many hunts until you have rested for a couple of minutes to replenish the lost health.
Bring the goods to the farmer
Whenever you discover various items (mushrooms, eggs and other items that humans use) make sure that you bring them to the farmer because even if you could use some of them, he will reward you with Coins.
There are three main characters that you can help: the Farmer, the Goat and the Piggy. Bring them all some goods, and help them constantly because they will give you Coins at the beginning, but the more you help them, the better. Eventually you will receive a permanent Super Bonus, which will give you double the amount of Coins!
If you are dealing with a difficult opponent that the quests required, you might want to complete a couple of tasks before, because among the rewards that you receive can be also some boosters which will make you stronger and faster.

Use the Coins wisely
If you wondered what you can do with all the Coins that you received, then I have to say that there are two main things you can spend the Coins on – on new Cats, and on planting Crops.
I am going to explain both of them, so that you can decide how to better approach the Coin spending to get better rewards:
Use Coins to unlock new Cats
There are 10 cats as of now, that you can unlock and use in the game. The very first cat (the orange tabby cat) is the free one, but there are others that you can unlock by spending Coins. You will need to level up (farm quite a lot of EXP) to unlock all of them, as the last one is pretty difficult to obtain!
Once you played the game for quite a while with the very first cat, you can consider unlocking the second one (and third, and fourth and so on) but for now, playing with the first one should suffice. The best is to play with the free cat until you can plant all the crops to unlock the permanent boosts.
Use Coins to get permanent boosts
All of the coins that you receive at the beginning of the game should be invested into the crops. By planting various crops (carrots, pumpkins, beets and turnips) you will receive various buffs. Those buffs are permanent, so make sure that you try to get them ASAP.

These would be all of our Cat Simulator 2020 tips and tricks that we have for you right now. Do you know some more useful game tips and strategies to survive for longer and level up fast? Feel free to leave them down in the comments section below to be shared with everybody!
Published: Apr 14, 2020 05:09 am