Back in 2018, Vivid Games released Space Pioneer, a fast-paced twin-stick shooter where players stepped into the boots of an elite alien hunter. Their one job? Eradicate the universe of the alien threat and help repair bases and craft.
With constant updates and the eventual addition of co-op multiplayer, Space Pioneer quickly became a hit on the mobile platform, but some were bothered by the use of energy timers, dailies, and in-app purchases.
If you wanted a full-fledged, no-nonsense experience, you are in luck: Vivid Games’ Space Pioneer: Full Gear is a new paid version of the game. Pay for the game once and you have full access to the entire solo campaign with all of the gear normally bought through in-app purchases now available through progression unlocks.
Not only that, but the game is entirely playable offline now. And it goes without saying, but there is not a single ad or in-app purchase in sight. The energy system has been completely removed and there are no dailies or timers, so you can play whenever you want however you want.
To help start the adventure off on the right track, the early game has been improved. New players will start the game off with 10,000 bonus coins to help them get those powerful new weapons faster.
Space Pioneer: Full Gear is available now on the App Store for 3.99 USD.
Published: May 16, 2020 12:28 am