The first ever challenge has been launched in Bit Life. The Alphabet Challenge is really difficult if you’re not planning your moves right, but we’re here to help. In today’s article, we’re going to share some BitLife Alphabet Challenge tips and tricks to help you complete it fast and easy!
In case you’re somehow not aware with it, the BitLife Alphabet Challenge tasks you with the incredible tasks of having 26 children during your life and naming them with a name that begins with each letter of the alphabet. Cool and scary at the same time.
As you can imagine, having 26 kids even in a game like Bitlife is not easy, but doable. And I’m going to share with you how to do it in order to complete the challenge ASAP.
Bitlife Alphabet Challenge Tips
With a bit of planning and a tiny bit of luck, you will have no problem completing this challenge if you follow my guide below. Here is what you need to do:
1. Start a new life as a female (it doesn’t really matter where you are from or anything else).

Note: If you are unlucky like I was and you start out with very low looks (I started with 10 and by my teenage years, I was already down to zero), start over. It’s a lot easier to do this if you have high looks!
2. Play the game as you would normally do, focusing on relationships and having money, but staying away from trouble. You don’t need to be a criminal or spend time behind the bars in order to succeed!
3. As soon as you hit 18, start going for one night stands / hookups. Don’t be picky with your partners – there’s no time for that!
All that matters is for things to end up in the bedroom and, most importantly, to drop everything you’ve learned in school and ditch protection:

4. Afterwards, the inevitable will happen: you will become pregnant and really soon afterwards, you will have your first baby. The first of 26.

IMPORTANT: Make sure to have the alphabet nearby and name your kids with names starting from A to Z. I’m not really sure if it will work if you only use the letters (A, B, C, D etc) so instead take some time to use real names: Aaron, Bud, Carla and so on. You can do it!
5. Rinse and repeat: do this over and over again until you have a horde of children and the Alphabet Challenge completed. I recommend going for hookups instead of relationships or getting a husband because you’ll do it faster this way.
Additional tips to succeed:
There are a few extra things that will help you achieve this faster:
- keep working on your looks. Go for surgeries, go to the gym, stay in shape. You want to be attractive even after the 20th kid is born
- if a method fails (the one night stand), try something else. Go to the disco, do anything that could trigger the steamy night.
- spend some time keeping your character healthy. you need to reach at least 45 years of age – but usually, you will complete the challenge a bit later. You want to be in top health at all times!
- stay away from crime and events that can get you depressed or with serious other problems. Your main goal is to have as many kids as possible
- write down the names of your kids or at least the letters that you’ve used! You don’t want to have a Sarah and a Simon just because you forgot to keep track!
NOTE: While it is possible (probably, not sure because I haven’t tried) to complete the Alphabet Challenge playing a male character in the game, it’s a lot easier as a female. If you want the added challenge, go for male: at least you won’t have to worry about old age when it comes to conceiving!
This is everything that you should do in order to ensure that the BitLife Alphabet Challenge will be completed without a problem.
You do need a bit of luck – some people report that they had fatal accidents or similar things happen when they were close to finishing the challenge, but in most cases, if you do things as advised above, you will complete the challenge without a problem.
Published: Feb 24, 2020 08:55 am