The Earth as we know it is no more! A devastating catastrophe known only as the mysterious “Honkai” has ravaged mankind and the planet. What little hope of reviving Earth and protecting the future lies within you!
Honkai Impact 3rd is a 3D anime hack’n’slash action game. Players assume the role of a captain aboard the battleship Hyperion. You are the leader of a team of elite soldiers known as “Valkyries”, an all-female elite unit.
Each Valkyrie comes with her own unique skills and gear. Customize your Valkyries as you see fit, and jump right into the high-octane action that awaits you in Honkai Impact 3rd! Take direct control of your Valkyries and fight, dodge, and combo enemies into oblivion!
Everyone needs a rest every now and then though, so don’t overwork your Valkyries! Behind each battle suit lies a normal girl just trying to do her part in saving the world.
Taking a page out of NEXON’s Master of Eternity, Honkai Impact 3rd lets you talk and bond with your Valkyries. Each girl has their own personality and you can spend time with them outside of battling. Hanging out with them can just make them perform better on the battlefield!
With a diverse weapon system, an engaging combat system, and a ton of skills to master and develop, Honkai Impact 3rd is the ultimate anime action game!
Honkai Impact 3rd is available now on the iOS App Store and Google Play Store.
Published: Apr 11, 2018 10:35 am