The hit anime Sword Art Online comes to mobile devices once again! Sword Art Online previously graced iOS and Android devices with Sword Art Online: Memory Defrag, a spin-off of the main story in the anime. In this new game Sword Art Online: Integral Factor, instead of following the heroes of the anime, you play as your own character!
What if you were trapped inside the world of a virtual MMORPG? That is the premise of Sword Art Online, and now you must join an Assault Team and work with other players to reach the 100th floor of Aincrad. If you die in the game, you die in real life, so this is no joke!
Sword Art Online: Integral Factor is basically a retelling of the anime’s original story, this time from point of view of your own customization character. You’ll even get a partner – Koharu – to join you alongside your adventures.
Fight through dungeons and sprawling fields in third-person action combat inspired by actual MMORPGs. Unleash powerful skills, craft new equipment, and conquer your enemies in this faithful re-imagining.
And of course, this is an MMORPG we’re talking about, so you’ll be able to go on quests with other Assault Teams from around the world in exciting, real-time multiplayer action.
Sword Art Online: Integral Factor is available now for iOS and Android systems.
Published: Mar 29, 2018 03:58 am